Top Manhole Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for manhole detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the manhole datasets below.

6629 images1 model
danger# Pothole > 2023-10-28 10:33pmBicycleBicycle Bus PersonBicycle Bus Person Traffic signsBicycle CarBicycle Car Electric poleBicycle Car Electric pole Person Traffic signsBicycle Car Electric pole TreeBicycle Car Motorcycle PersonBicycle Car Motorcycle Person TreeBicycle Car PersonBicycle Car Person Traffic signsBicycle Car Person TreeBicycle Car TreeBicycle Electric poleBicycle Electric pole MotorcycleBicycle PersonBicycle Person Traffic signsBicycle Person Traffic signs Tree

776 images1 model
Alligator crack - HighAlligator crack - LowBlock crack - HighBlock crack - LowFaded marking - HighFaded marking - LowLane shoulder drop-offLane shoulder drop-off - HighLane shoulder drop-off - LowLinear crack - HighLinear crack - LowManhole -Patch - HighPatch - LowPatch and utility cut- highPatch and utility cut- lowPothole - HighPothole - LowRaveling - HighRaveling - Low

61 images2 models
3 Way Valve4 Way ValveAgitator or MixerAlkylationAngle BlowdownAngle Globe ValveAngle ValveAutomatic StokerAxial CompressorBack Pressure RegulatorBalance Diaphragm Gate ValveBall ValveBleeder ValveBoom LoaderButterfly ValveCentrifugal BlowerCentrifugal CompressorCentrifugal PumpCheck ValveChimney Tower

1850 images2 models
Alligator crack - HighAlligator crack - LowBlock crack - HighBlock crack - LowFaded marking - HighFaded marking - LowLane shoulder drop-offLane shoulder drop-off - HighLane shoulder drop-off - LowLinear crack - HighLinear crack - LowManhole -Patch - HighPatch - LowPatch and utility cut- highPatch and utility cut- lowPothole - HighPothole - LowRaveling - HighRaveling - Low

485 images1 model
3 Way Ball Valve3 Way Gate Valve3 Way Globe Valve4 Way Ball Valve4 Way Gate ValveAlkyalationAngle BlowdownAngle GlobeValveAngle ValveAutomatic StokerAxial CompressorAxical COMPBackPressure RegulatorBalance Diaphragm Gate ValveBall ValveBleeder ValveBoom LoaderButterfly ValveCavity PumpCentrifugal Blower

264 images1 model
Actuator with manual actuated partial stroke test device.Actuator with remote actuated partial stroke test deviceActuator with side-mounted handwheel.Actuator with top-mounted handwheel.Analyzer TransmitterAnd GateAngle ValveAveraging Pitot TubeBackpressure regulator.Ball ValveBehind ControlBehind a local ControlBellow Sealed ValveBellow Spring opposed ActuatorButterfly ValveCheck ValveChoke ValveComputerControl ValveCoroilis Flow Sensor