Top Tomato Leaf Computer Vision Models
The models below have been fine-tuned for various tomato leaf detection tasks. You can try out each model in your browser, or test an edge deployment solution (i.e. to an NVIDIA Jetson). You can use the datasets associated with the models below as a starting point for building your own tomato leaf detection model.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to count tomato leafs in images and videos.

2558 images1 model
Apple Scab LeafApple leaf healthyApple rust leafBell pepper leaf healthyBell pepper leaf spotCherry leaf healthyCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafGrape leaf healthyPeach leaf healthyPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf healthyPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leaf healthySoyabean leaf healthySoybean leaf healthySquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leaf healthyTomato Early blight leaf

810 images1 model
Banana AnthracnoseBanana Black SigatokaBanana Bunchy Top VirusBanana Moko DiseaseBanana PanamaMango AnthracnoseMango Bacterial Black SpotMango MalformationMango Powdery MildewMango Red RustRice Bacterial Leaf BlightRice Brown SpotRice Leaf BlastRice Leaf ScaldRice Narrow BrownSorghum ErgotSorghum Grain MoldSorghum Loose SmutSorghum RustTomato Bacterial Spot

150 images1 model
Banana AnthracnoseBanana Black SigatokaBanana Bunchy Top VirusBanana Moko DiseaseBanana PanamaMango AnthracnoseMango Bacterial Black SpotMango MalformationMango Powdery MildewMango Red RustRice Bacterial Leaf BlightRice Brown SpotRice Leaf BlastRice Leaf ScaldRice Narrow BrownSorghum ErgotSorghum Grain MoldSorghum Loose SmutSorghum RustTomato Bacterial Spot

6759 images4 models

4562 images1 model

2555 images1 model
grape leafApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCherry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSoybean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leaf

10000 images2 models
apple black rotapple healthyapple scabbell pepper bacterial spotbell pepper healthycassava Brown Streak Disease cassava bacterial blightcassava green mottlecedar apple rustcherry healthycherry powdery mildewcorn cerespora leaf spotcorn common rustcorn healthygrape black rotgrape escagrape healthygrape leaf blighthealthy cassavamosaic cassava

2419 images1 model
Bean healthy leafBean mosaicBottle gourd healthy leafBottle gourd mosaicBroccoli alternaria leaf spotBroccoli healthy leafCucumber downy mildewCucumber healthy leafEggplant healthy leafEggplant leaf blightEggplant leaf mosaicEggplant powdery mildewMalabar spinach cercospora leaf spotMalabar spinach healthy leafPotato early blightPotato healthy leafPotato late blightTomato early blightTomato healthy leafTomato late blight

144 images1 model
Planet Name: Papper Disease: AnthracnosePlanet Name: Pepper Bell HealthyPlanet Name: Pepper Disease:Bell Bacterial SpotPlanet Name: Pepper Disease:Bell Bacterial healthyPlanet Name: Potato Disease: BlacklegPlanet Name: Potato Disease: Late blightPlanet Name: Potato Disease: Potato Early BlightPlanet Name: Potato Disease: Potato HealthyPlanet Name: Potato Disease:BlacklegPlanet Name: Potato Disease:Late BlightPlanet Name: Potato HealthyPlanet Name: Tomato Disease: Leaf MoldPlanet Name: Tomato Disease: Phytophthora Root Rot (Buckeye)Planet Name: Tomato Disease: mosaic virusPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Mosaic VirusPlanet Name: Tomato Disease:Phytophthora Root Rot (Buckeye)Planet Name: Tomato Disease:mosaic virusPlanet Name: Tomato HealthyPlanet Name:Tomato Healthy

1337 images2 models
Bacterial cankerGreen tomato(Ripe)Healthy Red TomatoTomato___Bacterial_spotTomato___Early_blightTomato___Late_blightTomato___Leaf_MoldTomato___Septoria_leaf_spotTomato___Spider_mites Two-spotted_spider_miteTomato___Target_SpotTomato___Tomato_Yellow_Leaf_Curl_VirusTomato___Tomato_mosaic_virusTomato___healthybacterial wiltblossom end rotcercospora leaf spotdowney mildewfusarium wiltverticillium wilt

3867 images1 model

334 images14 models
Asiatic palm weevilsBrown Marmorated Stink BugsCabbage LoopersFall ArmywormsFruit FliesGROUND BEETLESGiant Citrus Stink BugGreen June BeetleRice bug(Leptocorisa oratorius)Slug caterpillarSpider MitesTomato HornwormsWestern Corn RootwormsYellow stemboreraphidscorn borergreen leafhopperleaf beetlerhinoceros beetlerice leaf roller