Related Objects of Interest: left , right arrow , left arrow , stop , down , forward , left-arrow , right-arrow , down-arrow , up-arrow

370 images

8659 images1 model
* Random Gaussian blur of between 0 and 2.5 pixels* Random brigthness adjustment of between -25 and +25 percent* Random exposure adjustment of between -25 and +25 percent* Salt and pepper noise was applied to 5 percent of pixels* annotate, and create datasets* collaborate with your team on computer vision projects* collect & organize images* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data* use active learning to improve your dataset over time17181920212223242526

500 images
Ball valveButterfly ValveCheck valveCircle valveControl ValveDiaphragm valveDiscrete with Aux Loc accessDiscrete with Pri- Loc accessField mounted discrete indicatorField mounted discrete recorderFlanged connectionGate valve NCGate valve NOGlobe valve NCGlobe valve NOHeating coil tubesJacketed pipeManual gate valveMid arrow flow directionNeedle Valve

4410 images1 model

381 images
1 Instrument/Valve/Welded gate valve,10 Instrument/Valve/Needle Valve,11 Instrument/Valve/Sealing gate valve,12 Instrument/Valve/Gate valve NC,13 Instrument/Valve/Globe valve NC,14 Instrument/Valve/Control Valve,15 Instrument/Valve/Rotary valve NO,16 Instrument/Valve/Rotary valve NC,17 Piping/Fittings/Spade blind,18 Piping/Fittings/Spade close blind (flanged),19 Piping/Fittings/Spade open blind(flanged),2 Instrument/Valve/Plug valve,20 Piping/Fittings/Right concentric reducer,20 PipingFittingsRight concentric reducer21 Piping/Fittings/Flanged connection,22 Piping/Fittings/Heating coil tubes,23 Piping/Fittings/Jacketed pipe,24 Piping/Fittings/Mid arrow flow direction,25 Instrument/Valve/Circle valve,26 Instrument/Indicator/Field mounted discrete indicator,

381 images1 model
1 Instrument/Valve/Welded gate valve,10 Instrument/Valve/Needle Valve,11 Instrument/Valve/Sealing gate valve,12 Instrument/Valve/Gate valve NC,13 Instrument/Valve/Globe valve NC,14 Instrument/Valve/Control Valve,15 Instrument/Valve/Rotary valve NO,16 Instrument/Valve/Rotary valve NC,17 Piping/Fittings/Spade blind,18 Piping/Fittings/Spade close blind (flanged),19 Piping/Fittings/Spade open blind(flanged),2 Instrument/Valve/Plug valve,20 Piping/Fittings/Right concentric reducer,20 PipingFittingsRight concentric reducer21 Piping/Fittings/Flanged connection,22 Piping/Fittings/Heating coil tubes,23 Piping/Fittings/Jacketed pipe,24 Piping/Fittings/Mid arrow flow direction,25 Instrument/Valve/Circle valve,26 Instrument/Indicator/Field mounted discrete indicator,

79 images
AheadOnlyAnnounceRightLaneEndDoNotEnterGeneral cautionGiveWayGo straight or rightGreen lightJunction AheadKeep rightNo stopping and no parkingParking Arrow RightPriority roadRed lightRoadWorkAheadSpeedlimit_30kmhTraffic signalsTurn left aheadUnknownabsolutely prohibited to stop on the rightbike only

101 images
Arrow signsDiagonal arrowDirectional signEntry prohibited signsMaximum speed limit signsNo Parking SignNo Turn RightNo Turn backNo entry signsNo exit arrowNo stopping signNo turn leftProhibitoryRegulatory SignRoad Sign CyclewayRoad closed signsSpeed limit signsStraight On Left RightStraight ahead arrowTemporary sign