90 images2 models
9997 images
10 small brown plant hopper 100 Rhytidodera bowrinii white 101 Sternochetus frigidus 102 Cicadellidae 11 rice water weevil 12 rice leafhopper 13 grain spreader thrips 1414 rice shell pest 1515 grub 16 mole cricket 17 wireworm 18 white margined moth 19 black cutworm 20 large cutworm 21 yellow cutworm 22 red spider 23 corn borer 24 army worm
568 images1 model
3798 images
Adristyrannus Aleurocanthus-spiniferus Ampelophaga Aphis-citricola-VanderGoot Apolygus-lucorum Bactrocera-tsuneonis Beet-spot-flies Ceroplastes-rubens Chlumetia-transversa Chrysomphalus-aonidum Cicadella-viridis CicadellidaeDacus-dorsalis-Hendel Dasineura-sp Deporaus-marginatus-Pascoe Erythroneura-apicalis Icerya-purchasi-Maskell Lawana-imitata-Melichar Limacodidae Locustoidea
706 images1 model
animalcardrinkmushroomrockwine glass2 bottles on a rock next to fruit in front of orange background.2 brown paper boxes in front of light brown background2 cream bottles in front of blue tiles2 macarons on a rock block in front of light orange background3 black bottles next to yellow stairs and dry flower with shadow3 blue bottles on blue plates next to dry nuts3 bottles in front of light background with shadows3 bottles in front of light brown background with shadows.3 bottles in front of light gray background with shadows of a plant.3 boxes in front of dark background3 perfume bottles on reflective gray surface4 paper boxes in front of light yellow background4 potteries on a marble table6 white bowls of spices on a wooden surface
570 images
3340 images
100101979899AdristyrannusAleurocanthus spiniferusAphis citricola Vander GootApolygus lucorumBeet spot fliesCeroplastes rubensChlumetia transversaCicadella viridisCicadellidaeDacus dorsalis(Hendel)Dasineura spDeporaus marginatus PascoeErythroneura apicalisIcerya purchasi MaskellLawana imitata Melichar
9297 images