Related Objects of Interest: tomato leaf bacterial spot , tomato leaf , apple leaf , apple rust leaf , apple scab leaf , blueberry leaf , corn gray leaf spot , corn leaf blight , corn rust leaf , grape leaf
Top Spider Computer Vision Models
The models below have been fine-tuned for various spider detection tasks. You can try out each model in your browser, or test an edge deployment solution (i.e. to an NVIDIA Jetson). You can use the datasets associated with the models below as a starting point for building your own spider detection model.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to count spiders in images and videos.
2516 images4 models
grape leafApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCherry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leafTomato Early blight leaf
2558 images1 model
grape leafApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCherry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSoybean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leaf
2456 images1 model
grape leafApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCherry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSoybean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leaf
2569 images1 model
grape leafhealthyApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPepperPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leafTomato Early blight leaf
7402 images1 model
Anthracnose Fruit RotBlossom BlightCassava_Bacterial_DiseaseCassava_Brown_Leaf_SpotCassava_HealthyCassava_MosaicCassava_Root_RotChili___Anthracnose_fruitChili___Bacterial_leaf_spotChili___Healthy_fruitCorn HealthyCorn SmutCorn StreakCorn_BlightCorn_Brown_SpotsCorn_CercosporioseCorn_CharcoalCorn_Chlorotic_Leaf_SpotCorn_HealthyCorn_Insects_Damages
2318 images1 model
grape leafApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCherry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSoybean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leaf
2569 images3 models
grape leafApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCherry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSoybean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leaf
1742 images1 model
grape leafApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBlueberry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leafTomato Early blight leafTomato leafTomato leaf bacterial spotTomato two spotted spider mites leaf
2376 images2 models
2569 images3 models
grape leafApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCherry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSoybean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leaf
2569 images3 models
grape leafApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCherry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSoybean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leaf
9715 images1 model
AdristyrannusAleurocanthus spiniferusAmpelophagaAphis citricola Vander GootApolygus lucorumBactrocera tsuneonisBeet spot fliesBrevipoalpus lewisi McGregorCeroplastes rubensChlumetia transversaChrysomphalus aonidumCicadella viridisCicadellidaeDacus dorsalis(Hendel)Dasineura spDeporaus marginatus PascoeErythroneura apicalisIcerya purchasi MaskellLawana imitata MelicharLimacodidae
9595 images1 model
AdristyrannusAleurocanthus-spiniferusAmpelophagaAphis-citricola-Vander-GootApolygus lucorumBactrocera-tsuneonisBeet spot fliesBrevipoalpus lewisi McGregorCeroplastes-rubensChlumetia-transversaChrysomphalus-aonidumCicadella viridisCicadellidaeColomerus vitisDacus-dorsalis(Hendel)Dasineura-spDeporaus-marginatus-PascoeErythroneura-apicalisIcerya-purchasi-MaskellLawana-imitata-Melichar
2569 images3 models
grape leafApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCherry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSoybean leafSquash Powdery mildew leafStrawberry leaf
2680 images6 models
2580 images1 model
302 images1 model
Folder: Looper caterpillar Initial Infestation Stage 1Looper caterpillar Initial Infestation Stage 1Red Slug Caterpillar Adult Stage 4Red Slug Caterpillar Larva Stage 2Red spider Deutonymph Stage 4Red spider Protonymph stage 3Tea leaf hopper Egg-laying and New GenerationAdult Stage 7Tea leaf hopper Pupal Stage 5