Top Socket Computer Vision Models
The models below have been fine-tuned for various socket detection tasks. You can try out each model in your browser, or test an edge deployment solution (i.e. to an NVIDIA Jetson). You can use the datasets associated with the models below as a starting point for building your own socket detection model.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to count sockets in images and videos.
403 images1 model
BT Entry PointCat 6 Data SocketCeiling Mounted Continuous Extract Fan With Boost Mode Activated By Light SwitchCeiling Mounted Continuous Extract Fan With Local Boost SwitchCo-Ax TV SocketConsumer UnitDouble SocketElectric Meter BoxExternal Wall LightFull Height TilingFused spurGas Meter BoxGrid SwitchHob SwitchInternal Wall LightLight SwitchLow Energy DownlighterLow Energy Pendant LightMains Wired Smoke DetectorOutside Socket
1502 images1 model
114 images1 model
4 way Lug Wrench or Tire SpannerAdjustable wrenchAllen key or Allen wrenchBox end wrenchBreaker BarCombination wrenchFlare wrenchFlat or Slotted Head ScrewdriverFlex head socket wrenchHex or hexagon screwdriverImpact wrenchOil Filter wrenchOpen end wrenchPhilips ScrewdriverPozidriv ScrewdriverRatcheting box wrenchSocket wrenchSpeed wrenchSquare ScrewdriverStrap or chain wrench
739 images1 model
46Apical LesionApical lesionArtifical crownBracesBuccoangular Impacted toothCalculusCanal obliterationClass 1 cavity fillingClass 2 cavity fillingClass 3 cavity fillingClass 4 cavity fillingClass 5 cavity fillingConvergent rootCystic lesionDecidious teethDilaserasgonDistoangular Impacted toothDivergent rootEndodontically treated teeth
111 images1 model
475 images1 model
switch*Action-de-ressort-de-soupape-de-quartAffiche-et-ConfigurableAlarme-de-niveauAnalyseur-EmetteurAubes-de-redressementClapetClapet-non-retour-arretCompresseurCompresseur à anneauControleur-de-fluxControleur-de-niveauControleur-de-pressionControleur-de-temperatureDebitmetreDebitmetre-d'eauDerriere-le-panneau-commande-localDerriere-le-panneau-de-configurationDiaghragm
242 images1 model