Top Roller Computer Vision Models
The models below have been fine-tuned for various roller detection tasks. You can try out each model in your browser, or test an edge deployment solution (i.e. to an NVIDIA Jetson). You can use the datasets associated with the models below as a starting point for building your own roller detection model.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to count rollers in images and videos.
528 images1 model
switchAND valveNC pushbuttonNC timerNO pneumatically actuated 3/2 monostable valveNO pushbuttonNO timerOR valvecounterdouble-acting cylinder extracteddouble-acting cylinder retractedleverone way flow control valvepedalpneumatically actuated 3/2 bistable valvepneumatically actuated 3/2 monostable valvepneumatically actuated 5/2 bistable valvepneumatically actuated 5/2 monostable valvequick exhaust valveroller lever valve
182 images1 model
1329 images3 models
21. Yuzyil Dinamik Degisim Surecinde Kobi'lerde Mesleki Yeterlilik Analizi ve Bir Uygulama21. Yuzyilda Cagdas Liderlik Yaklasimlari21. Yuzyilda Havaalani Isletmeciligi25. Devrin Yazarlarinin Kalemi Ile Milli Mucadele Ve Gazi Mustafa Kemal Cilt 150 Soruda Tibbi Goruntuleme TeknikleriAR-GE Tesvikleri ve Muhasebe UygulamalariAcil Durum Plani Nasil Hazirlanir Ornek Acil Durum Plani ile BirlikteAile Ici SiddetAkademik CalismalarAkademik Spor Arastirmalari 2020Akademinin 50D HaliAlkol BagimliligiAlmanya'daki Turklerin Turkiye'deki Secmen DavranislariAlternatif Egitim Dergisi Sayi14 Montessori MetoduAlzheimer Hastaligina Multidisipliner YaklasimAnayasalara Gore Tarihsel Surec Icerisinde Devlet Baskaninin Konumundaki DegisimAnestezi Tekniker Teknisyenleri Icin Temel Anestezi UygulamalariAnestezi Tekniker Teknisyenleri Icin Mesleki UygulamalarAnestezi Teknikeri Teknisyenleri Icin Klinik AnesteziAnilarla Kulturel Cizgiler
90 images2 models
1947 images1 model
4417 images1 model
555 Sardines in Tomato Sauce555 Tuna Afritada555 Tuna Caldereta7UPAbsolute Pure Distilled Drinking WaterAlaska Classic Sweetened Condensed Filled MilkAlaska CondensadaAlaska EvaporadaAll Natural Seasons Tropical FruitAngel All Purpose CreamerAppleAqua Life Filtration SystemsArgentina Corned BeefArgentina GinilingArgentina Meat LoafBear Brand Fortified Powdered Drink MilkBear Brand Swak Pack ChocomilkBell PepperBingo Double ChocoBingo Orange Cream
9870 images1 model
349 images1 model
364 images1 model
1136 images2 models
583 images1 model
banana_aphidbanana_healthybanana_leaf eating caterpillarbanana_rhizome weevilbanana_stem weevilbanana_thripsmango_fruit flymango_healthymango_hoppermango_mealybugmango_red banded caterpillarmango_seed weevilrice_asiatic rice borerrice_brown plant hopperrice_leaf caterpillar rice_leaf hopperrice_leaf rollerrice_paddy stem maggotrice_yellow rice borersorghum_aphid
10000 images1 model
AdristyrannusAleurocanthus spiniferusAmpelophagaAphis citricola Vander GootApolygus lucorumBactrocera tsuneonisBeet spot fliesBrevipoalpus lewisi McGregorCeroplastes rubensChlumetia transversaChrysomphalus aonidumCicadella viridisCicadellidaeDacus dorsalis(Hendel)Dasineura spDeporaus marginatus PascoeErythroneura apicalisIcerya purchasi MaskellLawana imitata MelicharLimacodidae