Related Objects of Interest: stop , no parking , narrow road ahead , men at work , pedestrian crossing , school ahead , narrow bridge , slippery road , give way , hump
Top Narrow Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for narrow detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the narrow datasets below.

393 images

8009 images
* 50% probability of horizontal flip* 50% probability of vertical flip* Random Gaussian blur of between 0 and 3.25 pixels* Randomly crop between 0 and 33 percent of the image* annotate, and create datasets* collaborate with your team on computer vision projects* collect & organize images* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data* use active learning to improve your dataset over time-02122232425262728

102 images

469 images

1383 images
CattleCompulsory AheadCompulsory Ahead
Compulsory Cycle TrackCompulsory Keep LeftCompulsory Keep Left
Compulsory Keep RightCompulsory Keep Right
Compulsory Left TurnCompulsory Left Turn
Compulsory Right TurnCompulsory Right Turn
Compulsory right turn aheadCompulsory right turn ahead
Compulsory turn left aheadCompulsory turn left ahead

1584 images
Compulsory Ahead
Compulsory Cycle Track
Compulsory Keep Left
Compulsory Keep Right
Compulsory Left Turn
Compulsory Right Turn
Compulsory right turn ahead
Compulsory turn left ahead
Cycle Crossing
Give way
Height limit
Humpy Road
Left hair pin bend
Left hand curve
Left turn prohibited
Men at work
Narrow road ahead

3368 images4 models

44 images1 model
30 kmhrA Side Road Intersection Ahead on the RightA sharp left turn aheadA sharp right turn aheadAccident Prone ZoneBump or PotholeBus StopDangerous DipElderly or Disabled pedestrains may be crossing road aheadElephants Crossing SignGive Way For Ongoing TrafficLevel CrossingMen at WorkMove RightNarrow Bridge AheadNarrow RoadNo EntryNo Horn ZoneNo OvertakingNo Parking

4354 images
no entryno parkingpedestrian crossingroundaboutslippery roadstoptraffic signalall motor vehicle prohibitedaxle load limitbullock cart and hand cart prohibitedcattle aheadchevron directioncompulsary aheadcompulsary ahead or turn leftcompulsary ahead or turn rightcompulsary keep leftcompulsary keep rightcompulsary sound horncompulsary turn left aheadcompulsary turn right ahead

665 images2 models

6023 images

896 images

152 images
Bus-StopChildren-PresentContainers-OnlyCustoms-CheckpointDangerous-TurnEqual-level-IntersectionGo-StraightHeight-LimitIntersectionIntersection-with-T-JunctionIntersection-with-Uncontrolled-RoadLane-AllocationLeft-TurnLengh limitLengh limit car trailerLevel-Crossing-with-BarriersLow-ClearanceMotorcycles-OnlyNarrow-Road-on-the-LeftNarrow-Road-on-the-Right

64 images1 model

2644 images

756 images1 model
stop signNo U-turn to the leftNo U-turn to the rightNo parking signRight narrow radius curve signSign narrow radius curve leftSign narrow radius curve starting leftSign narrow radius curve starting rightSign prohibiting turning leftSign prohibiting turning rightSign to go left or rightSign winding curve starting leftSign winding curve starting rightTollwayinspection stop signleft curve signmain roadno entry signright curve signroundabout sign

6558 images1 model
* 50% probability of horizontal flip* Auto-orientation of pixel data (with EXIF-orientation stripping)* Random rotation of between -15 and +15 degrees* Resize to 640x640 (Stretch)* annotate, and create datasets* collaborate with your team on computer vision projects* collect & organize images* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data* use active learning to improve your dataset over time23242526272830313233

3321 images

57 images
141142143144Advisory Speed 55 km-hAll Traffic Must Turn LeftAll Traffic Must Turn RightAlternative Railway Crossing Position in an Area That Can Be Easily SeemAnimal Crossing AheadApproach to IntersectionApproach to Intersection Merging Traffic -Left-Approach to Intersection Merging Traffic -Right-Approach to Intersection Side Road -Left-Approach to Intersection Side Road -Right-Be Aware and Stop for Children Crossing AheadBe Aware and Stop for Person with Disabilities AheadBe Aware of Pedestrian CrossingBe Aware of Person with Disabilities -PWD- CrossingBe Aware of School Children CrossingBike Lane

81 images1 model
forkAuto not permittedBig truck not permittedCaution DisabledCaution animalsCaution childrenCaution cliffCaution falling rocksCaution road usersDangerDangerous Uphill GradeDangerous downhill gradeKeep leftKeep rightLane Ends Merge leftLane Ends Merge rightLow-lying roadMaximum speedMotocycle not permittedNarrow bridge ahead

3751 images
Barrier Ahead Bullock And Handcart ProhibitedAll Motor Vehicle ProhibitedCompulsary AheadCompulsary Keep LeftCompulsary Keep RightCompulsary Sound HornCompulsary Turn LeftCompulsary Turn RightCross RoadCycle ProhibitedGive WayHorse Car ProhibitedLeft TurnLeft Turn ProhibitedMen At WorkNarrow BridgeNarrow Road AheadNo EntryNo Heavy Vehicles

946 images1 model

253 images9 models
stop sign"Lane for Trucks and Buses"No Parking" sign"Pedestrian Area"Railway crossing sign"6Actual Clearance HeightBRT exclusive lan signBegin ExpresswayBoundary SignBumpy Road AheadChildren crossing signContinuous dangerous curvesCrossroadDangerous curveDangerous downhill slopeDirection of TrafficDirectional Road SignsDistance to the SignEnd of Tunnel

64 images