Related Objects of Interest: uneven road , pedestrian crossing , roundabout , stop , no entry , no overtaking , danger , priority road , give way , go straight

9900 images2 models

6454 images1 model

9453 images1 model
Attention PleaseBarrier Ahead Beware of childrenCYCLE ROUTE AHEAD WARNINGDangerous Left Curve AheadDangerous Right Curve AheadEnd of all speed and passing limitsGo Straight or Turn RightGo straight or turn leftKeep-LeftKeep-rightLeft Zig Zag TrafficNo EntryOvertaking by trucks is prohibitedParking Pedestrian CrossingRoad narrows on rightRound-AboutSlippery Road AheadSpeed Limit 100 KMPh

267 images1 model

7287 images1 model
bikebuscarmotorpersonridertraffic lighttraffic signtraintruckcross walkinformation--pedestrians-crossing--g1information-pedestrians-crossing-g1not_relevant rednot_relevant yellowregulatory--go-straight--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1regulatory--keep-left--g1regulatory--keep-right--g1

1970 images1 model
ChildrenCurve leftCurve rightCyclesDangerDo not enterDouble curveEnd of all restrictionsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing for 3 tons vehicleEnd of speed limit 80kmLeft aheadNo passingNo passing for vehicle over 3 tonsNo vehiclesNo vehicles over 3 tonsOne sided roadPass on the leftPass on the rightPedestrian crosswalk

2476 images1 model
ChildrenCurve leftCyclesDangerDo not enterDouble curveEnd of all restrictionsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing for 3 tons vehicleEnd of speed limit 80kmNo passingNo passing for vehicle over 3 tonsNo vehiclesNo vehicles over 3 tonsOne sided roadPass on the rightPedestriansPriorityPriority roadRight ahead

28 images3 models
Bus-StopChildren-PresentContainers-OnlyCustoms-CheckpointDangerous-TurnEqual-level-IntersectionGo-StraightHeight-LimitIntersectionIntersection-with-T-JunctionIntersection-with-Uncontrolled-RoadLane-AllocationLeft-TurnLevel-Crossing-with-BarriersLow-ClearanceMotorcycles-OnlyNarrow-Road-on-the-LeftNarrow-Road-on-the-RightNo turrn left or backNo-Cars-Allowed

2476 images3 models
ChildrenCurve leftCyclesDangerDo not enterDouble curveEnd of all restrictionsEnd of no passingEnd of no passing for 3 tons vehicleEnd of speed limit 80kmNo passingNo passing for vehicle over 3 tonsNo vehiclesNo vehicles over 3 tonsOne sided roadPass on the rightPedestriansPriorityPriority roadRight ahead

3155 images1 model
Bus StopChildren PresentDangerous TurnEqual-level IntersectionGo StraightHeight LimitIntersectionIntersection with T-JunctionIntersection with Uncontrolled RoadLane AllocationLeft TurnLevel Crossing with BarriersLow ClearanceNarrow Road on the LeftNarrow Road on the RightNo Cars AllowedNo Containers AllowedNo EntryNo Left TurnNo Left Turn for Motorcycles

499 images1 model

3200 images1 model
Bus StopChildren PresentContainers OnlyCustoms CheckpointDangerous TurnEqual-level IntersectionGo StraightHeight LimitIntersectionIntersection with T-JunctionIntersection with Uncontrolled RoadLane AllocationLeft TurnLevel Crossing with BarriersLow ClearanceMotorcycles OnlyNarrow Road on the LeftNarrow Road on the RightNo Cars AllowedNo Containers Allowed