Related Objects of Interest: anti lock braking system , brake system issue , charging system issue , check engine , high engine coolant temperature , low engine oil warning , master warning , srs-airbag , low fuel indicator light , computer monitor
Top Temperature Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for temperature detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the temperature datasets below.

304 images
0: airspeed indicator10: fuel indicator11: fuel flow indicator12: oil temperature and pressur indicator13: suction gauge and amperemeter14: magnetic compas15: rmi16: hsi17: clock19: wf1: attitude indicator22: cht23: suction gauge24: amperemeter25: oil temperature26: oil pressure27: motor2: altimeter3: slip indicator3: turn and slip indicator

2341 images1 model

2341 images
Anti Lock Braking SystemBrake System IssueCharging System IssueCheck EngineDoor openElectronic Power Steering WarningElectronic Power Steering- CriticalElectronic Stability Problem (ESP)High Engine Coolant TemperatureLane DepartureLow Engine Oil WarningLow FuelLow Tire Pressure WarningMaster WarningSRS-AirbagSeat BeltWasher Fluid

1891 images1 model

7458 images1 model
AirbagAnti Lock Braking SystemAnti-lock brake system ABSBrake System IssueBrake systemBraking System IssueCentral Warning lampCharging System IssueCheck EngineDoor openDoorsElectronic Power SteeringElectronic Power Steering WarningElectronic Stability Problem -ESP-Emission control-Engine management lampEngine Overheating WarningEngine cooling systemEngine oil pressureFrontFogLightHigh Engine Coolant Temperature

36 images
Airbag Indicator LightAnti-lock Braking System (ABS) Warning LightAutomatic Shift Lock or Engine Start Indicator LightBattery Alert LightBrake Warning LightEngine Temperature Warning LightEngine Warning Light (Check Engine Light)Fog Lamp Indicator LightLane Departure Warning LightLow Fuel Indicator LightOil Pressure Warning LightSeat Belt Reminder LightSecurity Indicator LightTire Pressure Warning LightTraction Control LightTraction Control Malfunction LightTransmission Temperature Warning LightWasher Fluid Indicator Light

3785 images

47 images

148 images

104 images1 model

36 images
Airbag Indicator LightAnti-lock Braking System -ABS- Warning LightAutomatic Shift Lock or Engine Start Indicator LightBattery Alert LightBrake Warning LightEngine Temperature Warning LightEngine Warning Light -Check Engine Light-Fog Lamp Indicator LightLane Departure Warning LightLow Fuel Indicator LightOil Pressure Warning LightSeat Belt Reminder LightSecurity Indicator LightTire Pressure Warning LightTraction Control LightTraction Control Malfunction LightTransmission Temperature Warning LightWasher Fluid Indicator Light

457 images1 model
Atmospheric pressure limitationAuthorized RepresentativeBatch CodeBiological risksCatalogue NumberCautionConsult instructionsContains LatexContains sufficient for <n> testsControlDate of ManufactureDo not resterilizeDo not reuseDo not use if package is damagedDrops per milliliterFluid PathFor IVD perfomance evaluation onlyFragile Handle with careHumidity LimitationIn vitro Diagnostic Medical device

144 images
4WDAir Bag fail / Air Bag RecoveryAnti-locking Braking SystemAnti-locking Braking System failAutomatic/robotic transmission fail / Dual clutch transmission failBattery charging condition / Alternator fail / Logistic mode on / Power modeDEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid)Diesel Particulate Filter clogged/dirtyDoor(s) openedEPB FailElectronic Power Steering failElectronic Stability Control Intervention / Fail Hill Holder failElectronic Stability Control offElectronic Traction ControlEngine misfire/EOBD Engine Fail DEF/UREA FailExcessive engine fluid temperatureFasten seat belt indicationForward Collision WarningFront fog light onFuel Cut Off Intervention

550 images
ABSAir SuspensionAutomatic Gearbox WarningAutomatic Shift Lock or Engine Start Indicator LightBattery Alert LightBoot LidBrake Warning LightCheck Engine LightCoolant Temperature Warning LightDPF lightDiesel particulate filterEco Driving IndicatorEngine Temperature Warning LightGlow Plug IndicatorHeated seat highHeated seat lowLamp OutLane Departure Warning LightLow Fuel Indicator LightMain beam headlights

264 images1 model
Actuator with manual actuated partial stroke test device.Actuator with remote actuated partial stroke test deviceActuator with side-mounted handwheel.Actuator with top-mounted handwheel.Analyzer TransmitterAnd GateAngle ValveAveraging Pitot TubeBackpressure regulator.Ball ValveBehind ControlBehind a local ControlBellow Sealed ValveBellow Spring opposed ActuatorButterfly ValveCheck ValveChoke ValveComputerControl ValveCoroilis Flow Sensor

148 images1 model

1570 images1 model
15 degreesABS malfunctionACC Status Indicator (Active_135)ACC Status Indicator (Active_8)ACC Status Indicator (Standby_135)ACC Status Indicator (Standby_8)ACC driver overtakingACC driver takes over cueAEB Off indicatorAUTO mode_vehicle modeAbnormal status of low-voltage power supply systemAbnormal tire pressureAdvance charging indicatorAutomatic parking activationAutomatic parking on indicatorBattery heatingBrake system malfunction or low brake fluid levelBrake system warning lightCLTCCar model with low light on

53 images1 model

325 images1 model

1678 images
0: airspeed indacator10: fuel indicator11: fuel flow indicator12: oil temperature and pressure indicator13: suction gauge and amperemeter14: magnetic compas15: hsi1: attitude indicator2: altimeter3: turn and slip indicator4: heading indicator5:variometer6: tachometer7: vor8: adf9: digital clockinstrument

36 images
Airbag Indicator LightAnti-lock Braking System -ABS- Warning LightAutomatic Shift Lock or Engine Start Indicator LightBattery Alert LightBrake Warning LightEngine Temperature Warning LightEngine Warning Light -Check Engine Light-Fog Lamp Indicator LightLane Departure Warning LightLow Fuel Indicator LightOil Pressure Warning LightSeat Belt Reminder LightSecurity Indicator LightTire Pressure Warning LightTraction Control LightTraction Control Malfunction LightTransmission Temperature Warning LightWasher Fluid Indicator Light

48 images4 models
Air Bag Warning Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeBrake Trouble Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeCharge System Trouble Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeCheck Engine Lightrotationtrack_idkeyframeDoor Ajar Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeElectronic Power Steering Trouble Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeEngine Temperature Indicatorsrotationtrack_idkeyframeFuel Filter Warning Lightrotationtrack_idkeyframeHigh Beam Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeOil and Oil Level Warning Lightsrotationtrack_idkeyframeSeat Belt Reminderrotationtrack_idkeyframeSecurity Indicator Lightrotationtrack_idkeyframe

138 images
Adaptive Light SystemAir Suspension LightAirbag Indicator LightAnti-lock Braking SystemAutomatic Shift Lock LightBattery Alert LightBrake Hold Indicator LightBrake Warning LightCatalytic Converter LightCheck Engine LightESP Fault LightEco Driving Indicator LightEngine Temperature LightExterior Light FaultFog Lamp Indicator LightFuel Cap LightHigh Beam LightIcy Road LightInformation Warning LightKey Not In Vehicle Warning Light

2619 images

82 images
Air Bag Warning IndicatorrotationAir Bag Warning Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeAnti-lock Brake System Warning LightrotationBrake Trouble IndicatorrotationBrake Trouble Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeCharge System Trouble IndicatorrotationCharge System Trouble Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeCheck Engine LightrotationCheck Engine Lightrotationtrack_idkeyframeDoor Ajar IndicatorrotationDoor Ajar Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeElectronic Power Steering Trouble IndicatorrotationElectronic Power Steering Trouble Indicatorrotationtrack_idkeyframeElectronic Stability Control Indicator LightrotationElectronic Stability Control OFF Indicator LightrotationEngine Temperature Indicatorsrotationtrack_idkeyframeFog Lamp IndicatorrotationFuel Filter Warning LightrotationFuel Filter Warning Lightrotationtrack_idkeyframeHigh Beam Indicatorrotation

7625 images2 models
Airbag and seat belt systemAnti Lock Braking SystemAnti-lock brake system ABSBrake System IssueBrake systemBraking System IssueCentral Warning lampCharging System IssueCheck EngineDoor openDoorsElectronic Power SteeringElectronic Power Steering WarningElectronic Stability Problem -ESP-Electronic stability programmeEmission control-Engine management lampEngine Overheating WarningEngine cooling systemEngine oil pressureFrontFogLight