Common Fish Detection Computer Vision Project
Updated a year ago
Classes (26)
Acanthuridae - Acanthurus coeruleus
Acanthuridae - Acanthurus nigrofuscus
Acanthuridae - Acanthurus tractus
Acanthuridae - Acanthurus triostegus
Acanthuridae - Naso lituratus
Balistidae - Balistapus undulatus
Balistidae - Balistes capriscus
Balistidae - Melichthys niger
Balistidae - Rhinecanthus aculeatus
Balistidae - Rhinecanthus rectangulus
Blenniidae - Lipophrys pholis
Blenniidae - Parablennius gattorugine
Blenniidae - Parablennius pilicornis
Blenniidae - Parablennius sanguinolentus
Blenniidae - Salaria pavo
Carangidae - Caranx melampygus
Carangidae - Caranx ruber
Carangidae - Pseudocaranx georgianus
Carangidae - Trachinotus carolinus
Carangidae - Trachurus novaezelandiae
Catostomidae - Catostomus commersonii
Catostomidae - Hypentelium nigricans
Catostomidae - Ictiobus bubalus
Catostomidae - Moxostoma erythrurum
Catostomidae - Moxostoma macrolepidotum
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CC BY 4.0 If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:
title = { Common Fish Detection Dataset },
type = { Open Source Dataset },
author = { Ouarza },
howpublished = { \url{ } },
url = { },
journal = { Roboflow Universe },
publisher = { Roboflow },
year = { 2024 },
month = { jan },
note = { visited on 2025-01-05 },