Drop image here to test
nodule-detector/36 (latest)
Auto-Orient | Applied |
Resize | Stretch to 416x416 |
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{ "boxes": [ { "label": "C1_Nodule", "x": 240, "y": 47.5, "width": 3, "height": 3.5 }, { "label": "c2_Nodule", "x": 239, "y": 82.5, "width": 3, "height": 4.5 }, { "label": "c2_Nodule", "x": 233.5, "y": 87.5, "width": 3.5, "height": 5.5 }, { "label": "c3_Nodule", "x": 267, "y": 77.5, "width": 4, "height": 5.5 }, { "label": "C4_Nodule", "x": 254, "y": 48, "width": 4, "height": 4 }, { "label": "C5_Nodule", "x": 240, "y": 63, "width": 4, "height": 7.5 }, { "label": "C6_Nodule", "x": 255, "y": 93.5, "width": 4.5, "height": 6.5 }, { "label": "C7_Nodule", "x": 244.5, "y": 53, "width": 4, "height": 7.5 }, { "label": "C7_Nodule", "x": 262.5, "y": 61.5, "width": 5, "height": 7 }, { "label": "C8_Nodule", "x": 238.5, "y": 73.5, "width": 6.5, "height": 7 }, { "label": "C9_Nodule", "x": 245, "y": 89.5, "width": 5.5, "height": 7.5 }, { "label": "C10_Nodule", "x": 271, "y": 62, "width": 5.5, "height": 7 }, { "label": "C11_Nodule", "x": 272.5, "y": 50, "width": 4, "height": 9.5 }, { "label": "C11_Nodule", "x": 263.5, "y": 50.5, "width": 5.5, "height": 7 }, { "label": "C12_Nodule", "x": 228.5, "y": 73.5, "width": 4.5, "height": 8.5 }, { "label": "C12_Nodule", "x": 226, "y": 60, "width": 5, "height": 8 }, { "label": "C13_Nodule", "x": 252.5, "y": 37.5, "width": 6, "height": 9.5 }, { "label": "c14_Nodule", "x": 233.5, "y": 37.5, "width": 9, "height": 16.5 }, { "label": "c15_Nodule", "x": 253.5, "y": 74, "width": 14.5, "height": 19 } ], "height": 416, "key": "DSC_0182.JPG", "width": 416 }
Annotation Editor
Smart Polygon