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shape-classification-nuagu/6 (latest)
Since this image is a processed & augmented version of the original image, you can't modify annotations here.
Auto-Orient | Applied |
Resize | Stretch to 640x640 |
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{ "boxes": [ { "label": "Square", "x": 254, "y": 187.5, "width": 265, "height": 260 }, { "label": "Circle", "x": 446.5, "y": 348, "width": 296, "height": 299 }, { "label": "Triangle", "x": 541, "y": 488, "width": 85, "height": 115 }, { "label": "Triangle", "x": 262, "y": 219, "width": 220, "height": 230 } ], "height": 640, "key": "random_shapes_96_png.rf.9f6742f043a3ead3b57937719f228ed8.jpg", "width": 640 }
Annotation Editor
Smart Polygon