Drop image here to test
hard-soft-object-detection/11 (latest)
Auto-Orient | Applied |
Static Crop | X: 46.406828% to 50.348484% Y: 0.091681% to 60.793931% |
Resize | Stretch to 640x640 |
Auto-Adjust Contrast | Adaptive Equalization |
Flip | Applied Per Bounding Box |
90° Rotate | Applied Per Bounding Box |
Rotation | Applied Per Bounding Box |
Shear | Applied Per Bounding Box |
Brightness | Applied Per Bounding Box |
Noise | Applied Per Bounding Box |
Flip | Vertical |
Rotation | 5° |
Shear | X: -1° Y: 1° |
Saturation | -8% |
Blur | 0.25px |
Noise | 0.27% |
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Annotation Editor
Smart Polygon