Drop image here to test
candle-stick-pattern-detection/1 (latest)
Auto-Orient | Applied |
Resize | Stretch to 640x640 |
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{ "boxes": [ { "label": "Bearish- Evening Star Doji", "x": 53, "y": 393, "width": 17, "height": 58.5 }, { "label": "Bullish- Tweezer Bottom", "x": 324.5, "y": 409, "width": 12.5, "height": 46 }, { "label": "Bullish- Tweezer Bottom", "x": 182.5, "y": 497, "width": 11, "height": 34 }, { "label": "Bullish- Tweezer Bottom", "x": 450, "y": 268.5, "width": 12.5, "height": 52.5 }, { "label": "Bullish- 3 Line Strike", "x": 367.5, "y": 300, "width": 23, "height": 69 } ], "height": 640, "key": "Screen-Shot-2022-02-28-at-3-29-58-PM_png.rf.819a96a88e1796a6a4da28bf5a315066.jpg", "width": 640 }
Annotation Editor
Smart Polygon