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muzzle_cattle_face/2 (latest)
Since this image is a processed & augmented version of the original image, you can't modify annotations here.
Resize | Stretch to 640x640 |
Grayscale | Applied |
{ "camera": "Generated by Roboflow", "classes": { "muzzle": 767 }, "datasets": [ "UFlMBEPAHZt9kD5dgcB7" ], "destination": "05d03da27cbd2f3ccb0bfd4492e84ad7", "height": 640, "id": "cqfSKJSrihaJRRNHem5B", "label": [], "labels": [], "name": "IMG_1014.JPG", "numSteps": 2, "owner": "KHjX8a0RTJhnqojH8VfVNh0NDbF2", "predictions": [ { "color": "#8622FF", "label": "muzzle", "x": 290.9465637207031, "y": 417.39105224609375, "width": 415.9237060546875, "height": 197.354248046875 } ], "preprocessing": [ "resize:[\"Stretch to\",640,640]", "grayscale" ], "preprocessingParsed": [ { "name": "Resize", "value": "Stretch to 640x640" }, { "name": "Grayscale", "value": "Applied" } ], "source": "cqfSKJSrihaJRRNHem5B", "split": "valid", "split.UFlMBEPAHZt9kD5dgcB7.1": "valid", "split.UFlMBEPAHZt9kD5dgcB7.2": "valid", "status": "generated", "transforms": "[\n \"resize:[\\\"Stretch to\\\",640,640]\",\n \"grayscale\"\n]", "updated": { "_seconds": 1712742826, "_nanoseconds": 570000000 }, "updatedDate": "Apr 10, 2024", "updatedTime": "9:53AM", "updatedTimezone": "+00:00", "versions": [ "UFlMBEPAHZt9kD5dgcB7/1", "UFlMBEPAHZt9kD5dgcB7/2" ], "width": 640 }
{ "boxes": [ { "label": "muzzle", "x": 293, "y": 421.5, "width": 412, "height": 190 } ], "height": 640, "key": "IMG_1014.JPG", "width": 640 }
Annotation Editor
Smart Polygon