Dataset Versions
2023-01-14 12:49pm
Generated on Jan 14, 2023
Popular Download Formats
TXT annotations and YAML config used with YOLOv11.
TXT annotations and YAML config used with YOLOv9.
TXT annotations and YAML config used with YOLOv8.
TXT annotations and YAML config used with YOLOv5.
TXT annotations and YAML config used with YOLOv7.
COCO JSON annotations are used with EfficientDet Pytorch and Detectron 2.
YOLO Darknet
Darknet TXT annotations used with YOLO Darknet (both v3 and v4) and YOLOv3 PyTorch.
Pascal VOC XML
Common XML annotation format for local data munging (pioneered by ImageNet).
TFRecord binary format used for both Tensorflow 1.5 and Tensorflow 2.0 Object Detection models.
PaliGemma JSONL format used for fine-tuning PaliGemma, Google's open multimodal vision model.
CreateML JSON format is used with Apple's CreateML and Turi Create tools.
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View All ImagesPreprocessing
Auto-Orient: Applied
Isolate Objects: Applied
Static Crop: 25-75% Horizontal Region, 25-75% Vertical Region
Resize: Stretch to 640x640
Auto-Adjust Contrast: Using Contrast Stretching
Modify Classes: 0 remapped, 1 dropped
Outputs per training example: 3
Flip: Horizontal
90° Rotate: Clockwise, Counter-Clockwise, Upside Down
Crop: 0% Minimum Zoom, 20% Maximum Zoom
Rotation: Between -15° and +15°
Shear: ±15° Horizontal, ±15° Vertical
Hue: Between -40° and +40°
Saturation: Between -54% and +54%
Brightness: Between -35% and +35%
Exposure: Between -18% and +18%
Blur: Up to 0.5px
Noise: Up to 1% of pixels
Cutout: 9 boxes with 8% size each
Mosaic: Applied
Bounding Box: Crop: 0% Minimum Zoom, 20% Maximum Zoom
Bounding Box: Brightness: Between -20% and +20%
Bounding Box: Exposure: Between -15% and +15%
Bounding Box: Blur: Up to 1.5px
Bounding Box: Noise: Up to 2% of pixels