archeology Computer Vision Project
Updated 2 years ago
downloadsHere are a few use cases for this project:
Cultural Heritage Preservation: The "Archeology" computer vision model can help identify and digitally catalogue numerous archeological sights and their key components. The data can be used to better track, monitor, and preserve these cultural heritages.
Virtual Guided Tours: This model can be used in the development of virtual tours in museums or historic sites. By recognizing key attributes of archaeological sites, it can provide information about what users are seeing in real-time, enhancing their understanding and educational experience.
Archeological Research: Archeologists can use this model to help recognize and classify artifacts, structures, and sites in their images, aiding in their research and potentially unveiling new insights about historical civilizations.
Site Reconstruction: This model can contribute to digitally reconstructing archaeological sites for educational or scientific purposes, by identifying key elements in existing images and associating them with known structures or objects.
Smart Tourism Applications: It could be implemented in smartphone applications to help tourists identify and learn about archaeological sites, monuments, and local culture in real-time, enhancing their travel experience.

Build Computer Vision Applications Faster with Supervision
Visualize and process your model results with our reusable computer vision tools.
Cite This Project
If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:
title = { archeology Dataset },
type = { Open Source Dataset },
author = { University of technology },
howpublished = { \url{ } },
url = { },
journal = { Roboflow Universe },
publisher = { Roboflow },
year = { 2023 },
month = { jul },
note = { visited on 2025-02-13 },