
Object Detection

Water-Truck_Object-Detection_Final-Project Computer Vision Project


Updated a year ago




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Here are a few use cases for this project:

  1. Construction Site Safety: This computer vision model can be used on construction sites for safety purposes, helping to identify water trucks and human activity for collision prevention. These construction sites often have dirt roads, so the model can accurately identify trucks and people, aiding in safety measures and protocols.

  2. Traffic Monitoring: This model could also be used in traffic monitoring systems where various kinds of vehicles including water trucks and motorcycles move around. It can help in the supervised monitoring of traffic, counting vehicles, and identifying potential traffic rule violations.

  3. Fleet Management: Companies running a fleet of vehicles like water trucks could use this model to keep track of their vehicles. The model can identify which vehicle is where and who is operating it in real-time, helping to improve logistics and operations management.

  4. Emergency Services: The model could be adapted to locate water trucks needed for firefighting and other emergencies. If it can identify trucks quickly in an image, it can help agencies respond faster to critical situations.

  5. Surveillance Systems: The "Water-Truck_Object-Detection_Final-Project" model can also be integrated into city-wide surveillance systems to monitor vehicular movements, recognize suspicious activities, or provide crucial information in case of accidents or traffic violations.

Use This Trained Model

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Cite This Project

CC BY 4.0

If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:

                            title = { Water-Truck_Object-Detection_Final-Project Dataset },
                            type = { Open Source Dataset },
                            author = { TugasAkhir },
                            howpublished = { \url{ https://universe.roboflow.com/tugasakhir-6vlcx/water-truck_object-detection_final-project } },
                            url = { https://universe.roboflow.com/tugasakhir-6vlcx/water-truck_object-detection_final-project },
                            journal = { Roboflow Universe },
                            publisher = { Roboflow },
                            year = { 2023 },
                            month = { apr },
                            note = { visited on 2024-09-27 },