Asss Computer Vision Project


Updated a year ago




Classes (1)


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Here are a few use cases for this project:

  1. Reforestation Initiatives: The "Asss" model could be used to identify specific tree classes across a large area, supporting reforestation efforts by monitoring existing wood types and aiding in the strategic placement of new trees.

  2. Ecology and Biodiversity Studies: The model can help researchers in studying the biodiversity of the forest, by identifying and differentiating between tree types. This can help in understanding ecosystem dynamics and changes.

  3. Forest Management: Agencies can use the "Asss" model to better manage forests, identifying various tree classes for appropriate planning concerning controlled burns, logging, or disease treatment.

  4. Urban Planning: City planners can utilize the data to maintain a healthy mix of tree species in urban environments, which can support local wildlife and enhance city landscapes.

  5. Climate Change Research: The model can help monitor changes in tree populations or health over time, providing important data for climate change tracking and prediction.

Use This Trained Model

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Cite This Project

CC BY 4.0

If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:

                            title = { Asss Dataset },
                            type = { Open Source Dataset },
                            author = { Tree },
                            howpublished = { \url{ } },
                            url = { },
                            journal = { Roboflow Universe },
                            publisher = { Roboflow },
                            year = { 2023 },
                            month = { aug },
                            note = { visited on 2024-09-22 },

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