PCB WACV5 Computer Vision Project
Thabisile Mthembu
Updated 2 years ago
Classes (1.1k)
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"component text" "47 25S- T85"
"component text" "ALTERA Cyclone V 5CEBA4U15C8N F CABAU1337A KOREA NABAU303013 301FA3DOB"
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"component text" "EN5322 E02BSC"
"component text" "EPCQ32M Q245A"
"component text" "FCC ID: NKRM14A2A Made In China"
"component text" "MCC 5K22"
"component text" "MK64FN1M0VLL12 1N83J QCTDA1545A"
"component text" "O N"
"component text" "RJ9 117-5"
"component text" "TAIWAN TGG579 00-00"
"component text" "WNC Model: M14A2A P-N: 60M14A21-DG1 S-N: G1XDG28000ACJ01 IMEI: 014666000031718"
"component text" "XILINX ATRIX-7"
"component text" "YF08E T1 63K A6QN"
"component text" 000
"component text" 00183E022769
"component text" 102
"component text" 103
"component text" 152
"component text" 220
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"component text" 330
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"component text" 472
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"component text" 505Y
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"component text" UDE
"component text" x10
"electrolytic capacitor" unknown
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"ferrite bead" FB3
"resistor network" RM1
"resistor network" RM2
"resistor network" RN1
"resistor network" unknown
"test point" J11
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"test point" TP15
"test point" TP16
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capacitor C153
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capacitor C162
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capacitor C165
capacitor C166
capacitor C167
capacitor C168
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capacitor C170
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capacitor C24
capacitor C25
capacitor C26
capacitor C27
capacitor C28
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ic "MK64FN1M0VLL12 IN83J QCTDA1545A"
ic IC1
ic IC11
ic IC12
ic IC3
ic IC6
ic IC7
ic IC8
ic K20
ic TP2
ic U1
ic U10
ic U11
ic U12
ic U13
ic U17
ic U2
ic U3
ic U4
ic U5
ic U6
ic U7
ic U8
ic U9
ic unknown
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pads C33
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pads R177
pads R178
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pads R33
pads R34
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pads R44
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pads R51
pads R52
pads R53
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pads R67
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pins unknown
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resistor R183
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resistor R200
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resistor R75
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resistor R88
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switch SW0
switch SW1
switch SW2
switch SW3
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text "7-15V"
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text "J3_2"
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text "JP2_R2"
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text "RX3 15"
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text 31
text 32
text 33
text 34
text 35
text 36
text 37
text 38
text 39
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text 40
text 41
text 42
text 43
text 44
text 45
text 46
text 47
text 48
text 49
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text 50
text 51
text 52
text 53
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text 7
text 75
text 76
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text 8
text 80
text 9
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text A1
text A10
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text A12
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text A3
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text A5
text A6
text A7
text A8
text A9
text ACCEL
text AREF
text ARTY
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text AVNET
text B
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text BTN2
text BTN3
text BUN2716012428
text C
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text C125
text C126
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text C132
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text C143
text C144
text C145C146
text C147
text C148
text C149
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text C150
text C151
text C152
text C153
text C154
text C155
text C156
text C157
text C158
text C159
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text C160
text C162
text C163
text C164
text C165
text C166
text C167
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text C169
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text C27
text C28
text C29
text C3
text C30
text C31
text C32
text C33
text C34
text C35
text C36
text C37
text C38
text C39
text C4
text C40
text C41
text C42
text C43
text C44
text C45
text C46
text C47
text C48
text C49
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text C98
text C99
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text D9
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text Diversity
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text EM2
text EM3
text EM4
text EM5
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text FB2
text FB3
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text IC12
text IC3
text IC4
text IC6
text IC7
text IC8
text ICSP
text INT1
text INT2
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text IO13
text IO2
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text IO27
text IO28
text IO29
text IO3
text IO30
text IO31
text IO32
text IO33
text IO34
text IO35
text IO36
text IO37
text IO38
text IO39
text IO4
text IO40
text IO5
text IO6
text IO7
text IO8
text IO9
text IOREF
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text J10
text J11
text J12
text J13
text J14
text J15
text J16
text J17
text J18
text J19
text J199
text J2
text J20
text J21
text J22
text J23
text J24
text J25
text J26
text J27
text J3
text J4
text J5
text J6
text J7
text J8
text J9
text JA
text JB
text JC
text JD
text JP1
text JP2
text JTAG
text K20
text K64
text K64F
text L
text L1
text L2
text L3
text L4
text L5
text LD0
text LD1
text LD10
text LD11
text LD2
text LD3
text LD4
text LD5
text LD6
text LD7
text LD8
text LD9
text LED1
text MEGA
text MODE
text MSEL1
text ON
text P1
text P2
text P8
text PHY
text POWER
text PROG
text PWM
text PWR
text Primary
text Q1
text R
text R1
text R10
text R11
text R12
text R13
text R14
text R148
text R149
text R15
text R156
text R157
text R159
text R16
text R162
text R163
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text R173
text R174
text R175
text R176
text R177
text R178
text R18
text R182
text R183
text R19
text R199
text R2
text R20
text R200
text R207
text R208
text R21
text R213
text R215
text R216
text R217
text R219
text R22
text R223
text R225
text R228
text R23
text R230
text R231
text R232
text R234
text R235
text R238
text R239
text R24
text R240
text R241
text R242
text R243
text R244
text R245
text R246
text R248
text R249
text R25
text R250
text R251
text R26
text R267
text R27
text R28
text R29
text R3
text R30
text R31
text R32
text R33
text R34
text R35
text R36
text R37
text R39
text R4
text R40
text R44
text R45
text R46
text R47
text R48
text R49
text R5
text R50
text R51
text R52
text R53
text R54
text R55
text R56
text R57
text R58
text R59
text R6
text R60
text R61
text R62
text R63
text R64
text R65
text R67
text R68
text R69
text R7
text R70
text R71
text R72
text R73
text R74
text R75
text R79
text R8
text R80
text R81
text R82
text R83
text R86
text R87
text R88
text R9
text REG
text RESET
text RF
text RGB
text RJ45
text RM1
text RM2
text RN1
text RST
text RX
text RX0
text Reset
text SCL
text SDA
text SPI
text SW0
text SW1
text SW2
text SW3
text TM
text TP1
text TP10
text TP11
text TP12
text TP13
text TP14
text TP15
text TP16
text TP17
text TP2
text TP3
text TP4
text TP5
text TP6
text TP7
text TP8
text TP99
text TPG1
text TSTJ1
text TV51
text TVS2
text TVS3
text TX
text TX0
text U1
text U10
text U11
text U12
text U13
text U14
text U15
text U17
text U18
text U2
text U3
text U4
text U5
text U6
text U7
text U8
text U9
text USB
text VCC
text VIN
text Vin
text X1
text X2
text X3
text X4
text X5
text XGND
text XVREF
text Y1
text Y2
text Y3
text Z1
text Z2
text Z3
text Z4
text Z5
text triangle
text uSD
transistor Q1
unknown L1
unknown U1
unknown U15
unknown U16
unknown U18
unknown U4
unknown U6
unknown Z3
unknown Z4
unknown Z5
unknown unknown
A description for this project has not been published yet.
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Cite This Project
CC BY 4.0 If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:
title = { PCB WACV5 Dataset },
type = { Open Source Dataset },
author = { Thabisile Mthembu },
howpublished = { \url{ https://universe.roboflow.com/thabisile-mthembu/pcb-wacv5 } },
url = { https://universe.roboflow.com/thabisile-mthembu/pcb-wacv5 },
journal = { Roboflow Universe },
publisher = { Roboflow },
year = { 2022 },
month = { oct },
note = { visited on 2024-11-17 },