Related Objects of Interest: stop sign , pedestrian crossing , no parking , stop , speed limit 20 , speed limit 30 , speed limit 60 , person , speed limit 40 , speed limit 50
1 - 50 of 500k+
9.9k images 60 classes 3 models
4.5k images 138 classes 1 model
Bicycle Lane Bicycle-Parking-Area Bicycle-Right Bump Sign Bus Lane Business Open During Construction Car Car Left Caution Concrete Road Barrier Crossing Dead End Detour Sign Disabled Parking Disabled Parking Spot Do Not Enter DoNot Honk End Speed limit 20 End Speed limit 40 Equipment Croossing Ahead
673 images 136 classes 8 models
579 images 7 classes 1 model
1.2k images 7 classes 2 models
875 images 53 classes 1 model
523 images 30 classes 2 models
'Animal-Crossing-Sign' 'Bicycle-Crossing-Sign' 'Do-Not-Enter' 'Hospital-Sign' 'Keep-Left-Sign' 'Keep-Right-Sign' 'Lane-Use-Control' 'Merge-Sign' 'No Left Trun' 'No RightTrun' 'No-Overtaking-Sign' 'No-Parking' 'No-U-Trun-Sign' 'One-Way-Sign' 'Pedestrian-Crossing-Sign' 'Public-Phone' 'Railroad-Crossing' 'Road-Work-Ahead-Sign' 'School-Zone-Sign' 'Slippery-Road-Sign'
7.3k images 80 classes 1 model
bike bus car motor person rider traffic light traffic sign train truck cross walk information--pedestrians-crossing--g1 information-pedestrians-crossing-g1 not_relevant red not_relevant yellow regulatory--go-straight--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1 regulatory--keep-left--g1 regulatory--keep-right--g1
1.7k images 65 classes 1 model
698 images 16 classes 1 model
248 images 221 classes 2 models
1.7k images 62 classes 1 model
1.1k images 18 classes 1 model
1k images 10 classes 2 models
1.8k images 33 classes 1 model
30 speed limit 40 speed limit 50 km-h speed 60 speed limit 80 speed limit - 65 speed limit Arrow down left road Cattles ahead Caution sign Dangerous turn Diversion Diversion sign boards Gap in median Give way Go Slow Go slow Hazardous sign Horn Compulsary Hungary road sign Left Diversion Leftnarrow sign
60 images 50 classes 1 model
Bad road surface Cattle on the road. Children Children Walking Crossing for pedestrians Crossroad side roads on the left and right Crossroad with a side road on the left Crossroad with side road on the right. Curve to the right Danger with no specific traffic sign. Deer on the road or unsafe for animal Dip in the road Double Curve Falling rocks Give away Give way Limited height Loose chippings on the road surface Low-flying aircrafts. Narrowing on the left
1 - 50 of 500k+