Related Objects of Interest: logo , cake , rani(laying) , rani(standing) , cup(laying) , cup(standing) , fork , spoon , straw , biscuit
1 - 50 of 500k+
Top Rani Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for rani detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the rani datasets below.
210 images
520 images3 models
3M-Real-estatesAASTUAAUADDIS-ABABA-SCIENCE-AND-TECHNOLOGY-UNIVERISTYASTUAbay insuranceAbay-BankAbay-TVAbay-insuranceAbcAbyssinia WaterAbyssinia-WaterAddis Ababa UniversityAddis Finder TradingAddis International Bank SCAddis-Ababa-UniversityAddis-Bank-SCAddis-Finder-TradingAddis-International-Bank-SCAdika Taxi
573 images
Aeni-Istikomah-S.PdAlfa-Riza-Intan-SaputriAmy-Wuryanti-S.Pd.SDChristina-Tri-Wardasih-S.Pd.SDDahlia-Kristiani-S.PdDeny-Arifah-S.PdEko-Setianto-A.MdEmi-Probowati-S.PdEtik-Kusumawati-S.PdFajar-HidayatHeriyanto-S.PdiIrawan-Dwi-Pamungkas-S.PdJiamelatun-S.Pd.SDLulu-Nafisa-Diga-S.PdNelly-Sitorus-S.PdRamadani-Diah-Rahayu-S.PdRani-Purwaningtyas-S.PdRiono-S.PdSatria PutraSiwi-Tami-Wuryanti-S.Pd.SD
573 images
Aeni-Istikomah-S.PdAlfa-Riza-Intan-SaputriAmy-Wuryanti-S.Pd.SDChristina-Tri-Wardasih-S.Pd.SDDahlia-Kristiani-S.PdDeny-Arifah-S.PdEko-Setianto-A.MdEmi-Probowati-S.PdEtik-Kusumawati-S.PdFajar-HidayatHeriyanto-S.PdiIrawan-Dwi-Pamungkas-S.PdJiamelatun-S.Pd.SDLulu-Nafisa-Diga-S.PdNelly-Sitorus-S.PdRamadani-Diah-Rahayu-S.PdRani-Purwaningtyas-S.PdRiono-S.PdSatria PutraSiwi-Tami-Wuryanti-S.Pd.SD
3080 images
* Resize to 640x640 (Stretch)* annotate, and create datasets* collaborate with your team on computer vision projects* collect & organize images* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data* use active learning to improve your dataset over time==============================For state of the art Computer Vision training notebooks you can use with this dataset,Fork-pack-for-logo-spoon-straw-cake-tea-fork-logo-spoon-straw-cake-tea-fork-logo-juice are annotated in YOLOv9 format.LogoRoboflow is an end-to-end computer vision platform that helps youThe dataset includes 3086 images.The following augmentation was applied to create 3 versions of each source image:The following pre-processing was applied to each image:This dataset was exported via roboflow.com on July 5, 2024 at 6:20 PM GMTTo find over 100k other datasets and pre-trained models, visit https://universe.roboflow.comgrasp-6 - v7 2024-02-12 8:11pmimagesrani
40 images1 model
spriteArouaCJus Ananas 24 CLCJus Cocktail 24 CLCJus Orange 24 CLCJus Peche 24 CLCJus mangue 24 CLCJus orange peche24 CLEl ArabiIZEMIfruitJoudiOrangePET Extra Ananas 30 CLPET Extra Or-Abricot 30 CLPET Extra Or-Ananas 30 CLPET Extra Orange30 CLPET Frutty Annanas 20 CLPET Frutty Annanas 2LPET Frutty Cocktail 2 L
1 - 50 of 500k+