Top Lobster Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for lobster detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the lobster datasets below.
4k images 5 classes 3 models
4.2k images 24 classes 4 models
' Caterpillar Ceratocystis - Bubble Ceratocystis - Inner Cylindrocladium Embun Jelaga Ganoderma - Fruit Body Helopeltis-Withered Sprout Helopeltis-insect Leaf Roller - Insect Leaf Roller - Leaf Lobster Moth Mammals Attack Pasalora Ralstonia Red Root Rot - Secretion Ring Borrer Stem Borer Stem Deformation Termite
446 images 424 classes
1.7k images 104 classes
. Pheronema-sp RID1 Pycnogonid RID10 Luidia sarsii africana RID100 Calliaster baccatus RID104 Henricia ornata RID105 Ophiothrix fragilis RID107 Tropiometra carinata RID108 Crypthelia micropoma RID109 Inferiolabiata spinosa RID110 Errina capensis RID111 Stylaster griseus RID112 Stylaster bithalamus RID113 Stylaster lonchitis RID118 Virgularia gustaviana RID120 Cirrhipathes RID122 Homophyton verrucosum RID123 Leptogorgia palma RID124 Eunicella tricoronata RID125 Thouarella
2.1k images 14 classes 1 model
18k images 28 classes 1 model
Capybara – Vertebrate Cat – Vertebrate Clam - Invertebrate Coral - Invertebrate Cow – Vertebrate Crab – Invertebrate Deer – Vertebrate Dog – Vertebrate Elephant – Vertebrate Giraffe – Vertebrate Human – Vertebrate Jellyfish – Invertebrate Kangaroo – Vertebrate Lion – Vertebrate Lobster – Invertebrate Octopus – Invertebrate Parrot – Vertebrate Penguin – Vertebrate Sea Urchin - Invertebrate Seal – Vertebrate
691 images 6 classes
105 images 7 classes 1 model