Related Objects of Interest: clownfish , cuttlefish , dolphin , turtle , jellyfish , sea goldie , redtoothed triggerfish , shark , butterflyfish , octopus
1 - 50 of 500k+
Top Lionfish Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for lionfish detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the lionfish datasets below.
1780 images
Blacksaddle FilefishBlue Streak Cleaner WrasseButterfly FishCheckerboard WrasseClark's AnemonefishCommerson's FrogfishLionfishLongfin BannerfishManybar GoatfishMoorish IdolPyramid ButterflyfishRedtoothed TriggerfishReticulate DascyllusRibboned SweetlipsSea GoldieSergeant Major FishTeira BatfishWeber's Chromis
4693 images1 model
Blacksaddle FilefishBlue Streak Cleaner WrasseButterfly FishCheckerboard WrasseClark-s AnemonefishCommerson-s FrogfishLionfishLongfin BannerfishManybar GoatfishMoorish IdolPyramid ButterflyfishRedtoothed TriggerfishReticulate DascyllusRibboned SweetlipsSea GoldieSergeant Major FishTeira BatfishWeber-s Chromis
1915 images
Adorned WrasseAfrican PopanoAfrican Pygmy AngelfishAfrican SpadefishAfrican SweetlipsArc Eye HawkfishArcher ButterflyfishAurora ShrimpgobyAxilspot HogfishBand Dot GoatfishBand-Dot GoatfishBanded SergeantBandtail CardinalBarred Flagtai-lBarred RingwrasseBarred RubberlipsBarred ThicklipBatuna DamselBicolour Cleaner WrasseBigeye Emperor
4693 images
Blacksaddle FilefishBlue Streak Cleaner WrasseButterfly FishCheckerboard WrasseClark-s AnemonefishCommerson-s FrogfishLionfishLongfin BannerfishManybar GoatfishMoorish IdolPyramid ButterflyfishRedtoothed TriggerfishReticulate DascyllusRibboned SweetlipsSea GoldieSergeant Major FishTeira BatfishWeber-s Chromis
4693 images1 model
Blacksaddle FilefishBlue Streak Cleaner WrasseButterfly FishCheckerboard WrasseClark-s AnemonefishCommerson-s FrogfishLionfishLongfin BannerfishManybar GoatfishMoorish IdolPyramid ButterflyfishRedtoothed TriggerfishReticulate DascyllusRibboned SweetlipsSea GoldieSergeant Major FishTeira BatfishWeber-s Chromis
119 images1 model
490 images2 models
BannerfishClownfishDolphinDugong (Endangered!)Green-Sea-Turtle (Endangered!)Hawksbill-Sea-Turtle (Endangered!)Lionfish (Endangered!) (Poisonous!!)Napoleon (Endangered!)Picasso TriggerfishScolymia-Vitiensis (Poisonous!!)Sea GoldieShark (Predatory!!)Staghorn-Coral (Endangered!)Torpedo (Electrical!!)Whale Shark (Endangered!)Whale Shark -Endangered-
1915 images1 model
Adorned WrasseAfrican PopanoAfrican Pygmy AngelfishAfrican SpadefishAfrican SweetlipsArc Eye HawkfishArcher ButterflyfishAurora ShrimpgobyAxilspot HogfishBand Dot GoatfishBand-Dot GoatfishBanded SergeantBandtail CardinalBarred Flagtai-lBarred RingwrasseBarred RubberlipsBarred ThicklipBatuna DamselBicolour Cleaner WrasseBigeye Emperor
6913 images
dolphinjellyfishsharkturtle0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1==============================AppleAutonomous tram - v1 2023-12-21 6:15amBike detection - v2 2022-12-27 1:10pmBirds - v2 2024-04-13 2:16pmKiwiLemonLens Studio Book Detection - v1 2023-10-26 7:30pmOrangePomegranateRemote - v1 2023-01-26 9:08pmRoboflow is an end-to-end computer vision platform that helps youSeaHorseTelevision - v1 2023-11-30 12:29pmThis dataset was exported via roboflow
9880 images3 models
African PompanoAmberjack - GreaterAngelfish - FrenchAngelfish - GrayAngelfish - QueenAtlantic Blue MarlinAtlantic CroakerAtlantic SpadefishBass - Butterfly PeacockBass - LargemouthBass - ShoalBass - SmallmouthBass - SpottedBass - StripedBass - SuwanneeBass - WhiteBluefishBluegillBluegill SunfishBonefish
2597 images
crabstarfishArabian demsefishArabian-blue-striped-snapperArabian-monocle-breamAreolate GrouperAsfur AngelfishBig-eye snapperBlack spotted rubberlipsBlack-spot snapperBlacktail Butterfly FishBlue-barred Parrot fishCamouflage GrouperCopper-striped cardinalfishCuttlefishFilefishFlower-CardinalfishFusilierGolden TrevallyIndo Pacific Sergeant Damselfish
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