Related Objects of Interest: manhole , transistor , rotameter , tank , conveyor , furnace , resistor , mixer , capacitor , hand operated globe valve
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Top Integrated Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for integrated detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the integrated datasets below.
1065 images1 model
3 Way Ball Valve3 Way Gate Valve3 Way Globe Valve4 Way Ball Valve4 Way Gate ValveAlkyalationAngle BlowdownAngle GlobeValveAngle ValveAutomatic StokerAxial CompressorAxical COMPBackPressure RegulatorBalance Diaphragm Gate ValveBall ValveBleeder ValveBoom LoaderButterfly ValveCavity PumpCentrifugal Blower
4580 images3 models
BACTERIAL LEAF BLIGHTBROWN SPOTDEFICIENCY: MAGNESIUMDEFICIENCY: NITROGENDEFICIENCY: NITROGEN MANGANESE POTASSIUM MAGNESIUM and ZINCDEFICIENCY: POTASSIUMDISEASE: Narrow Brown Spot NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), DISEASE: Bacterial Leaf Blight NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: SiliconDISEASE: Hispa NUTRIENT DEFFICENCY: N/A ; Integrated pest management practices: DISEASE: Lead Scald NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Sulfur (S)DISEASE: Leaf Smut NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: N/A Proper field management practices to minimize the spread of the pathogen.HEALTHYHISPAISEASE: Leaf Blast NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: Silicon, Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca)LEAF-SMUTLEAFBLAST
421 images1 model
1065 images
3 Way Ball Valve3 Way Gate Valve3 Way Globe Valve4 Way Ball Valve4 Way Gate ValveAlkyalationAngle BlowdownAngle GlobeValveAngle ValveAutomatic StokerAxial CompressorAxical COMPBackPressure RegulatorBalance Diaphragm Gate ValveBall ValveBleeder ValveBoom LoaderButterfly ValveCavity PumpCentrifugal Blower
4515 images3 models
DISEASE: Narrow Brown Spot NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), DISEASE: Bacterial Leaf Blight NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: SiliconDISEASE: Hispa NUTRIENT DEFFICENCY: N/A ; Integrated pest management practices: DISEASE: Lead Scald NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Sulfur (S)DISEASE: Leaf Smut NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: N/A Proper field management practices to minimize the spread of the pathogen.HEALTHYISEASE: Leaf Blast NUTRIENT DEFFICIENT: Silicon, Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca)
485 images1 model
3 Way Ball Valve3 Way Gate Valve3 Way Globe Valve4 Way Ball Valve4 Way Gate ValveAlkyalationAngle BlowdownAngle GlobeValveAngle ValveAutomatic StokerAxial CompressorAxical COMPBackPressure RegulatorBalance Diaphragm Gate ValveBall ValveBleeder ValveBoom LoaderButterfly ValveCavity PumpCentrifugal Blower
61 images2 models
3 Way Valve4 Way ValveAgitator or MixerAlkylationAngle BlowdownAngle Globe ValveAngle ValveAutomatic StokerAxial CompressorBack Pressure RegulatorBalance Diaphragm Gate ValveBall ValveBleeder ValveBoom LoaderButterfly ValveCentrifugal BlowerCentrifugal CompressorCentrifugal PumpCheck ValveChimney Tower
1000 images1 model
1573 images
1136 images3 models
251 images2 models
1136 images2 models
1368 images2 models
3 Way Ball Valve3 Way Gate Valve3 Way Globe Valve4 Way Ball Valve4 Way Gate ValveAlkyalationAngle BlowdownAngle GlobeValveAngle ValveAutomatic StokerAxial CompressorAxical COMPBackPressure RegulatorBalance Diaphragm Gate ValveBall ValveBleeder ValveBoom LoaderButterfly ValveCavity PumpCentrifugal Blower
6503 images
Admission ChecklistAdmission LetterAdmission Ward ProceduresAdrenal Venous Sampling ResultsAnesthesia Consent FormAnesthesia Information and Consent FormAnesthesia Monitoring ChartAnesthesia SheetAppointment CardAttending Physician StatementAuthorization for Medical RetrievalAuthorization for the Release of Medical InformationAuthorization for the Release of Medical Information AIABlood Delivery FormBlood Gas AnalysisBlood Transfusion Request FormBorang Saringan Ujian Covid-19Cardiorespiratory Assessment FormChecklist for ProcedureCirculation Monitoring Chart
50 images
3 Way Gate Valve4 Way Gate ValveAngle BlowdownAngle ValveAxical COMPBackPressure RegulatorBalance Diaphragm Gate ValveBall ValveBleeder ValveButterfly ValveCavity PumpCentrifugal CompressorCentrifugal PumpCheck ValveClosed Gate ValveCock ValveDiaphragm ValveEjectorElectric operator gate valveFail Closed Safe Position
50 images
3 Way Valve4 Way ValveAngle BlowdownAngle Globe ValveAngle ValveAxial CompressorBack Pressure RegulatorBalance Diaphragm Gate ValveBall ValveBleeder ValveButterfly ValveCentrifugal PumpCheck ValveDiaphragm ValveFail Closed Fail Safe PositionFail Indeterminate Safe PositionFail Locked Safe PositionFail Open Fail Safe PositionFlanged End ConnectionFloat Operated Valve
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