Related Objects of Interest: left , right , beware of ice or snow , crooked road ahead , cycle movement , deer movement , end of 80 km speed limit obligations , end of obligations , end of overtaking by lorries , end of overtaking by lorries obligations
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Top Crooked Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for crooked detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the crooked datasets below.
4647 images
2Beware of Ice or snowCrooked road aheadCycle movementDeer movementEnd of 80 km speed limit obligationsEnd of obligationsEnd of overtaking by lorriesEnd of overtaking by lorries obligationsEnd of overtaking obligationsGo Left LaneLeft turnMaximum speed 100 kmMaximum speed 120 kmMaximum speed 20 kmMaximum speed 30 kmMaximum speed 50 kmMaximum speed 60 kmMaximum speed 70 kmMaximum speed 80 km
740 images
Beware of Ice or snowCrooked road aheadCycle movementDeer movementEnd of 80 km speed limit obligationsEnd of obligationsEnd of overtaking by lorriesEnd of overtaking by lorries obligationsEnd of overtaking obligationsGo Left LaneLeft turnMaximum speed 100 kmMaximum speed 120 kmMaximum speed 20 kmMaximum speed 30 kmMaximum speed 50 kmMaximum speed 60 kmMaximum speed 70 kmMaximum speed 80 kmNO IDEA
1763 images
2Beware of Ice or snowCrooked road aheadCycle movementDeer movementEnd of 80 km speed limit obligationsEnd of obligationsEnd of overtaking by lorriesEnd of overtaking by lorries obligationsEnd of overtaking obligationsGo Left LaneLeft turnMaximum speed 100 kmMaximum speed 120 kmMaximum speed 20 kmMaximum speed 30 kmMaximum speed 50 kmMaximum speed 60 kmMaximum speed 70 kmMaximum speed 80 km
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