Related Objects of Interest: healthy , alternaria , bacterial blight , boll rot , crown gall , red bug , cercospora-leaf-spot , powdery-mildew , aphid , black root rot
Top Cercospora Computer Vision Models
The models below have been fine-tuned for various cercospora detection tasks. You can try out each model in your browser, or test an edge deployment solution (i.e. to an NVIDIA Jetson). You can use the datasets associated with the models below as a starting point for building your own cercospora detection model.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to count cercosporas in images and videos.
66211 images2 models
Apple black rotApple cedar rustApple healthyApple scabBasil Cercospora leaf spotBasil Downy MildewBasil Fusarium WiltBell pepper bacterial_spotBell pepper healthyBlueberry healthyCassava bacterial blightCassava brown leaf spotCassava healthyCassava mosaicCassava root rotCherry healthyCherry powdery mildewCilantro-Bacterial Leaf SpotCilantro-Blue SpotCitrus haunglongbing
4176 images3 models
chilli antracnosechilli bacterial leaf spotchilli mosaic leaf viruseggplant cercospora leaf spoteggplant colorado potato beetleeggplant fruit roteggplant fuit roteggplant healthy fruiteggplant healthy leafhealthy chillihealthy chilli leafpotato alternaria solani leafpotato common scab fruitpotato healthy fruitpotato healthy leafpotato pythopthora infestans leaftomato antracnosetomato bacterial spottomato healthytomato late blight leaf
2414 images2 models
Chili Anthracnose fruitChili Bacterial leaf spotChili Healthy fruitChili Healthy leafChili Mosaic virus leafEggplant Cercospora leaf spotEggplant Colorado potato beetleEggplant Fruit rotEggplant Healthy fruitEggplant Healthy leafPotato Alternaria solani leafPotato Common scab fruitPotato Healthy fruitPotato Healthy leafPotato Phytopthora infestans leafTomato Antrhacnose fruitTomato Bacterial spot leafTomato Early blight leafTomato Healthy fruitTomato Healthy leaf
3953 images2 models
grape leafhealthyApple Scab LeafApple leafApple rust leafBell_pepper leafBell_pepper leaf spotBlueberry leafCherry leafCorn Gray leaf spotCorn leaf blightCorn rust leafPeach leafPotato leafPotato leaf early blightPotato leaf late blightRaspberry leafSoyabean leafSoybean leafSquash Powdery mildew leaf
1306 images2 models
Leaf Blightapple black rotapple cedar rustapple healthyapple scabbell pepper bacterial spotbell pepper healthycercospora (corn)cherry healthycherry powdery mildewcorn common rustcorn healthygrape black rotgrape block rotgrape healthygrape measles peach bacterial spotpeach healthypotato early blightpotato healthy
2419 images1 model
Bean healthy leafBean mosaicBottle gourd healthy leafBottle gourd mosaicBroccoli alternaria leaf spotBroccoli healthy leafCucumber downy mildewCucumber healthy leafEggplant healthy leafEggplant leaf blightEggplant leaf mosaicEggplant powdery mildewMalabar spinach cercospora leaf spotMalabar spinach healthy leafPotato early blightPotato healthy leafPotato late blightTomato early blightTomato healthy leafTomato late blight
6554 images1 model