Related Objects of Interest: keep left , stop , no entry , slippery road , turn right ahead , keep right , no passing , pedestrians , traffic signals , turn left ahead
1 - 50 of 500k+
938 images 131 classes 1 model
2.9k images 44 classes 3 models
Ahead only Beware of ice-snow Bicycles crossing Bumpy road Children crossing Dangerous curve to the left Dangerous curve to the right Double curve End of all speed and passing limits End of no passing End of no passing by vehicles over 3 End of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tons End of speed limit -80 km-h- General caution Go straight or left Go straight or right Keep left Keep right No entry No passing
506 images 43 classes 2 models
Ahead only Beware of ice-snow Bicycles crossing Bumpy road Children crossing Dangerous curve to the left Dangerous curve to the right Double curve End of all speed and passing limits End of no passing End of no passing by vehicles over 3-5 metric tons End of speed limit (80km-h) General caution Go straight or left Go straight or right Keep left Keep right No entry No passing No passing for vehicles over 3-5 metric tons
1.3k images 43 classes 1 model
Ahead only Beware of ice/snow Bicycles crossing Bumpy road Children crossing Dangerous curve to the left Dangerous curve to the right Double curve End of all speed and passing limits End of no passing End of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tons End of speed limit (80km/h) General caution Go straight or left Go straight or right Keep left Keep right No entry No passing No passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons
1.1k images 44 classes 2 models
crosswalk sign slippery road stop EDS animal crossing attention beware of ice bumpy road dangerous curve both left dangerous curve both right dangerous curve to the left dangerous curve to the right dangerous curves to the left end ofno passing entry from right to main road go from both sides go straight and lrft go straight and right keep left
724 images 218 classes 1 model
1 - 50 of 500k+