Related Objects of Interest: skin , door , brown and white lesion , brown lesion , dorsum of tongue , extraoral swelling , foreign body white , gingival pigmentation , grey and white lesion , grey lesion
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Cart pressure storage dry powder fire extinguisherCart type dry powder fire extinguisherDamaged bottle bodyDry powder fire extinguisherExcessive pressure poses a risk of explosionLow pressureMissing device headNormal pressureNozzle aging and damageNozzle fracturePortable carbon dioxide fire extinguishersPortable dry powder fire extinguisherPortable water-based fire extinguisherPressure gauge damagedPressure handle damagedSpray nozzle ruptureTank body aging and rustingTank deformationThe nozzle is prone to breakage due to agingfire_risk
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AnemiaAsthma circulatory and digestive problems cancerAtopic dermatitisCOVID-19 infection inflammation of the tongue Helicobacter pylori infection appendicitisCold anemiaDecreased immunityDiabetesDiabetes bile duct and gallbladder fungal infections decreased body immune defensesDiabetes heatstroke jaundice liver and gallbladder diseaseLeukoplakia a condition that may cause cancerNormal good healthThe tongue button is infected with fungus and inflammationTongue inflammationysc
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