Related Objects of Interest: impacted tooth , caries , crown , cavity , fillings , restoration , root canal treated tooth , bone loss , crown and bridge , maxillary sinus
Top Implant Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for implant detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the implant datasets below.
192 images2 models
1820 images
Abrasion - FillingCariesCaries - FillingCaries - RCTFractured - FillingFractured TeethFractured Teeth - CrownGingivitisGingivitis - ScalingMisaligned - AlignerMultiple Tooth Loss - ImplantSingle Tooth - BridgeSpacedSpaced - AlignerTooth Decay - CrownTooth Discoloration - VeneersUlcer Teeth - Antibioticsmisalignednull
181 images
-Carries--Gum infection-Broken down crownBroken down rootBroken down teethCariesCavitiesDeciduous teethDental ImplantDental bridgeEndodontically treated toothFilling RestorationGross cariesMetal postPeriapical lessionProximal cariesSpace maintainerimpacted by wisdom teethorthodontic bracesperiodontal pocket
100 images
32 images2 models
100 images1 model
![](https://source.roboflow.com/SOlNBk9lguTpOc8qvexCqAwKdPo1/024X6fc7Iv5cYqEi8DSd/annotation-dental disease.png)
455 images
Abrasion - FillingFractured Teeth - CrownFractured Teeth - FillingTooth Decay - CrownTooth Decay - Fillingmisalignedmisaligned - alignermisaligned - aligner neededmultiple tooth loss - 1 implant & 1 bridgemultiple tooth loss - 1 implant & 2 bridgemultiple tooth loss - 2 implant & 2 bridgemultiple tooth loss - 3 implant & 3 bridgesingle tooth - bridgespacedspaced - aligner