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Top Kidney Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for kidney detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the kidney datasets below.
2859 images
boxAlmond ToscaniAltic TraditionalArdoma Chopped TomatoesArnotts PremeirAspora Clear Regular StrengthBetta Natural Gold conesBoags St GeorgeBrita Filter CatridgesBrita Marella CoolButter MentholCD_RWCadbury Dairy MilkCadbury RosesCarbonellCenovis Womens MultiChocolate Flavoured BiscuitsColes Beans Red KidneyColes Farmland Beans Mexican ChilliColes Reliance
55 images
1780 images
Allis ForcepsArmy Navy RetractorArtery ForcepsBabcock ForcepsBackhaus Towel ClampBandage SciccorsCatheter TrayCheatle ForcepsCurved MayoCzerney RetractorDeaver RetractorDesjardin ForcepsDisscting Forceps (Plain)Disscting Forceps (tooth)Dissecting Forceps PlainDissecting Forceps ToothDoyel Instestinal ForcepsDoyen Cross Action Towel ClampEye Intestinal ForcepsHarrington Reteactor
2361 images1 model
Allis ForcepsArmy Navy RetractorArtery ForcepsBabcock ForcepsBackhaus Towel ClampBandage SciccorsCatheter TrayCheatle ForcepsCurved MayoCzerny RetractorDeaver RetractorDesjardin ForcepsDisscting Forceps -Plain-Disscting Forceps -tooth-Doyel Instestinal ForcepsDoyen Cross Action Towel ClampEye Intestinal ForcepsHrrington retractorJones Towel ClampKelly Retractor
55 images
Italian seasoningbag of barleybag of basmati ricebag of brown sugarbag of bulgur wheatbag of chocolate chipsbag of couscousbag of farrobag of flour tortillasbag of freekehbag of frozen French friesbag of granulated sugarbag of jasmine ricebag of lentilsbag of milletbag of potato chipsbag of tortilla chipsbag of whole wheat flourbag_of_all-purpose_flourblock of cheddar cheese