Related Objects of Interest: red light , stop , priority road , green light , green , roundabout , person , red-light , car breaking , turn right only
Top Red Light Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for red light detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the red light datasets below.
30 images
a men's shirt with black & white color combination having closed collar with buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt with black color having closed collar with buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt with black color having open collar of medium sizea men's shirt with blue color having closed collar with closed buttonsr of medium sizea men's shirt with cement color having open collar with buttons closed of large sizea men's shirt with light brown color having open collar with closed buttonsr of medium sizea men's shirt with light green color having closed collar with buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt with navy blue color having open collarwith buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt with orange color having open collar with buttons closed of large sizea men's shirt with peach color having open collar with buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt with red& black color combination having closed collar of medium sizea men's shirt with sky blue color having open collar with closed buttonsr of medium sizea men's shirt with sky blue color having open collarwith buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt withplain white color having open collarwith buttons closed of medium sizea men's t- shirt with brown color having open collar of medium sizea men's t-shirt with black color having closed collar with buttons closed of medium sizea men's t-shirt with black color having closed collarwith buttons closed of medium sizea men's t-shirt with black color having open collar of large sizea men's t-shirt with blue sky color of medium sizea men's t-shirt with cement color having open collar of large size
30 images
a men's shirt with black & white color combination having closed collar with buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt with black color having closed collar with buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt with black color having open collar of medium sizea men's shirt with blue color having closed collar with closed buttonsr of medium sizea men's shirt with cement color having open collar with buttons closed of large sizea men's shirt with light brown color having open collar with closed buttonsr of medium sizea men's shirt with light green color having closed collar with buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt with navy blue color having open collarwith buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt with orange color having open collar with buttons closed of large sizea men's shirt with peach color having open collar with buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt with red& black color combination having closed collar of medium sizea men's shirt with sky blue color having open collar with closed buttonsr of medium sizea men's shirt with sky blue color having open collarwith buttons closed of medium sizea men's shirt withplain white color having open collarwith buttons closed of medium sizea men's t- shirt with brown color having open collar of medium sizea men's t-shirt with black color having closed collar with buttons closed of medium sizea men's t-shirt with black color having closed collarwith buttons closed of medium sizea men's t-shirt with black color having open collar of large sizea men's t-shirt with blue sky color of medium sizea men's t-shirt with cement color having open collar of large size
213 images
400 images
roundaboutBumpCar breakingChildrenDomestic animalsEnd of all previously signed restrictionsEnd of no overtakingEnd of no parking zoneEnd of priority roadEntering cityExiting cityGive wayGive way to oncoming trafficGreen lightHandicap parking zoneIce or snowIntersection with priorityLevel crossingLevel crossing 160mLevel crossing 240m
3450 images
Batavia -Not Ready to Harvest-Batavia -Ready to Harvest-Butterhead -Not Ready to Harvest-Butterhead -Ready to Harvest-Dark Green Oakleaf - Not Ready to Harvest-Dark Green Oakleaf -Ready to Harvest-Green Carol - Not Ready to Harvest-Light Green Oakleaf -Not Ready to Harvest-Light Green Oakleaf -Ready to Harvest-Purple Oakleaf -Not Ready to Harvest-Purple Oakleaf -Ready to Harvest-Red Coral -Not Ready to Harvest-Red Coral -Ready to Harvest-Romaine -Not Ready to Harvest-Romaine -Ready to Harvest-
248 images2 models
5902 images
All-Way TabBEGINS Tab Sign - Rb-84tBulk Item Set Out - FurnitureBus Shelter - Good conditionChevron AlignmentConstruction AheadCurveDistanceDo Not EnterGraffitiImproperly Oriented SignKeep RightLane EndsLeft Turn OnlyLow ClearanceLow Clearance AheadMaximum Speed LimitMile MarkerMovements Permitted LeftMovements Permitted Left Right