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Top Halo Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for halo detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the halo datasets below.
1412 images3 models
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apple black rotapple mosaic virusapple rustapple scabbanana anthracnosebanana black leaf streakbanana bunchy topbanana cigar end rotbanana cordana leaf spotbanana panama diseasebasil downy mildewbean halo blightbean mosaic virusbean rustbell pepper bacterial spotbell pepper blossom end rotbell pepper frogeye leaf spotbell pepper powdery mildewblueberry anthracnoseblueberry botrytis blight
5141 images
apple black rotapple mosaic virusapple rustapple scabbanana panama diseasebasil downy mildewbean halo blightbean mosaic virusbean rustblueberry mummy berryblueberry rustbroccoli alternaria leaf spotbroccoli downy mildewcabbage alternaria leaf spotcarrot cavity spotcauliflower alternaria leaf spotcelery anthracnosecelery early blightcherry leaf spotcherry powdery mildew
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40 images
"capacitor jumper" CJ1"capacitor jumper" CJ2"component text" " CC BE 10000000""component text" "-309 LL6""component text" "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7""component text" "0 N""component text" "0001 5293 170A""component text" "0123456789ABCDEF""component text" "021 LDBM N389""component text" "0821-1X1T-43-F 1402 WM""component text" "0833 LTC2274 UJ BT267910""component text" "085811 B4T EHCR""component text" "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8""component text" "1 2 3 4""component text" "1 2 3""component text" "1 2""component text" "100 25V UT""component text" "100 50V UT""component text" "100 6V""component text" "100 CFK 7BD"
40 images4 models
"capacitor jumper" CJ1"capacitor jumper" CJ2"component text" " CC BE 10000000""component text" "-309 LL6""component text" "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7""component text" "0 N""component text" "0001 5293 170A""component text" "0123456789ABCDEF""component text" "021 LDBM N389""component text" "0821-1X1T-43-F 1402 WM""component text" "0833 LTC2274 UJ BT267910""component text" "085811 B4T EHCR""component text" "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8""component text" "1 2 3 4""component text" "1 2 3""component text" "1 2""component text" "100 6V""component text" "100 CFK 7BD""component text" "100 CFK- 7BD""component text" "100 VFK- 87"
40 images
"capacitor jumper" CJ1"capacitor jumper" CJ2"component text" " CC BE 10000000""component text" "-309 LL6""component text" "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7""component text" "0 N""component text" "0001 5293 170A""component text" "0123456789ABCDEF""component text" "021 LDBM N389""component text" "0821-1X1T-43-F 1402 WM""component text" "0833 LTC2274 UJ BT267910""component text" "085811 B4T EHCR""component text" "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8""component text" "1 2 3 4""component text" "1 2 3""component text" "1 2""component text" "100 6V""component text" "100 CFK 7BD""component text" "100 CFK- 7BD""component text" "100 VFK- 87"