Related Objects of Interest: poison , corrosive , radioactive , oxygen , flammable , oxidizer , dangerous , flammable-solid , infectious-substance , non-flammable-gas
Top Explosive Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for explosive detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the explosive datasets below.
3784 images
1 Explosive1.3 Explosive1.4 Explosive1.6 Explosive2.1 Flammable Gas 2.2 Nonflammable Gas 2.2 Oxygen2.3 Inhalation Hazard3 Flammable Liquid4.1 Flammable Solids4.2 Spontaneously Combustible4.3 Dangerous when Wet 5.1 Oxidizer5.2 Organic Peroxide6.1 Poison6.2 Infectious substance7 Radioactive8 Corrosiveflammable
3029 images2 models
1726 images
11 Explosives1-1 Explosives Products with the potential to create a mass explosion1-5 Explosives Products considered very insensitive that are used as blasting agents1.1 Explosives1.1 Explosives Products with the potential to create a mass explosion1.2 Explosives Products with the potential to create a projectile hazard1.3 Explosives Products with the potential to create a fire or minor blast1.6 Explosives Products considered extremely insensitive with no risk to create a mass explosion2 Flamable gas2 Non-Flamable gas2 Oxygen2-2 Nonflammable gases2.1 Flammable gases2.2 Nonflammable gases3 Flammable3 Flammable and combustible liquids3 Fuel Oil44 Dangerous when wet
3548 images1 model
license plate011_OxidizerCombustibleCorrosiveDangerousDangerous when wetEnvironmentally Hazardous SubstanceExplosivesExplosives Products considered extremely insensitive with no risk to create a mass explosionExplosives Products considered very insensitive that are used as blasting agentsExplosives Products with no significant risk of creating a blastExplosives Products with the potential to create a fire or minor blastExplosives Products with the potential to create a mass explosionExplosives Products with the potential to create a projectile hazardFlammableFlammable and combustible liquidsFlammable gasesFlammable liquidFlammable solidsFuel oil
5884 images