Top Dollar Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for dollar detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the dollar datasets below.
9727 images1 model
125 images
373 images
ArapaimaBanded LeporinusBanded cichlidBignose unicornfishBlack birdBlackheaded bushmasterBlacktip reef sharkBluespine unicornfishChromisDwarf caimanEmperor AngelfishEuropean flounderEuropean tree frogIndonesian pit viperJapan surgeonfishKing cobraPacific sailfin surgonfishPipefishRaccoon butterflyfishRed ibis
6729 images
stingray* annotate, and create datasets* collect & organize images* export, train, and deploy computer vision models* understand and search unstructured image data* use active learning to improve your dataset over time==============================AmphiprioninaeArapaimaArapaima_GigasAsterias_RubensBanded LeporinusBanded cichlidBanggai cardinalfishBignose unicornfishBlack birdBlackheaded bushmasterBlacktip reef sharkBlacktip_Reef_SharkBlue_Chromis
4349 images1 model
182 images3 models
1 dollar new back1 dollar new front1 dollar old back1 dollar old front10 cents new back10 cents new front10 cents old back10 cents old front10 dollars back10 dollars front100 dollars back100 dollars front1000 dollars back1000 dollars front2 dollars back2 dollars front20 cents new back20 cents new front20 cents old back20 cents old front
590 images2 models
27 images
0 Dollars in Hand1 Dollar in Hand1 Red Horse - 1 bet1 Red Horse - 10 bet1 Red Horse - 11 bet1 Red Horse - 12 bet1 Red Horse - 2 bet1 Red Horse - 3 bet1 Red Horse - 4 bet1 Red Horse - 5 bet1 Red Horse - 6 bet1 Red Horse - 7 bet1 Red Horse - 8 bet1 Red Horse - 9 bet10 Dollars in Hand11 Dollars in Hand12 Dollars in Hand2 Dollars in Hand2 Yellow Horse - 1 bet2 Yellow Horse - 10 bet