Related Objects of Interest: bioturbated muddy media , bioturbated sandy media , broken pieces , concretion , conglomerate , cross bedding , current ripple , empty , fissile shale , intraclasts
Top Core Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for core detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the core datasets below.
1499 images1 model
2934 images2 models
1203 images2 models
739 images1 model
46Apical LesionApical lesionArtifical crownBracesBuccoangular Impacted toothCalculusCanal obliterationClass 1 cavity fillingClass 2 cavity fillingClass 3 cavity fillingClass 4 cavity fillingClass 5 cavity fillingConvergent rootCystic lesionDecidious teethDilaserasgonDistoangular Impacted toothDivergent rootEndodontically treated teeth
1672 images1 model
1019 images2 models
2306 images1 model
BIN: waste, general, 120LCHAIR: office, ergonomic- main @ 9473dc87ac -::Furniture::displayValueCHAIR: visitor, patient, with armsCOUCH: examination, electric, mobileDESK: adj height, 1500W x 750D x 750H nom-DOOR: 850mm c-o, single leaf, observation panel, solid core-glass, paintHOSE REEL: retractableLIFTER: patient, ceiling mounted, motor and sling component, mortuaryLINEN CARRIER: dirty, singleLinearAccelorator- main @ 3068b672f1 -::Specialty Equipment::displayValueMACHINE: anaesthetic with integral monitorsPENDANT: single, wet and dry combinationSHOWER: safety, eyewash combinationSYSTEM: imaging, cath lab, dual plane, ceiling- main @ f6d71ae6d7 -::Specialty Equipment::displayValueTABLE: dissection, height adjustableTABLE: evisceration, height adjustableTABLE: patient, fixed, CTTAPWARE: laboratoryTOILET SUITE: patientTROLLEY: equipment
1680 images
424 images1 model
739 images1 model
46Apical LesionApical lesionArtifical crownBracesBuccoangular Impacted toothCalculusCanal obliterationClass 1 cavity fillingClass 2 cavity fillingClass 3 cavity fillingClass 4 cavity fillingClass 5 cavity fillingConvergent rootCystic lesionDecidious teethDilaserasgonDistoangular Impacted toothDivergent rootEndodontically treated teeth