Top Bat Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for bat detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the bat datasets below.
204 images 78 classes 1 model
47 images 178 classes
An coi Bat dau duong uu tien Bat dau khu dong dan cu Ben xe buyt Cac xe chi duoc di thang Cac xe chi duoc di thang va re phai Cac xe chi duoc re phai Cac xe chi duoc re trai Cac xe re trai va re phai Cam bop coi Cam cac xe cho hang nguy hiem Cam di nguoc chieu Cam di thang Cam di thang va re phai Cam di thang va re trai Cam do xe Cam do xe ngay chan Cam do xe ngay le Cam do xe theo gio trong khu vuc Cam do xe trong khu vuc
2.4k images 9 classes
3.9k images 133 classes 2 models
125 images 6 classes 4 models
2k images 39 classes 1 model
486 images 7 classes 7 models