Related Objects of Interest: keyboard , resistor , arduino , battery , breadboard , capacitor , mouse , raspberry pi , transistor , screwdriver
Top Multimeter Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for multimeter detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the multimeter datasets below.
795 images 22 classes 3 models
188 images 16 classes
32GB Micro SD Card with NOOBS A3A05 Grove - LED Grove - OLED Display 112 Grove - Sound Sensor Grove - Temperature Humidity Sensor Grove - Touch Sensor Grove - Water Sensor GrovePi+ HDMI To VGA Cable Adapter ProsKit MT-1210 Compact Digital Multimeter Push Button Raspberry Pi Resistor Seeed Studio Line Finder v11 Grove System Solderless Breadboard Electronic Transistor
844 images 10 classes 1 model
240 images 4 classes 1 model
3.3k images 33 classes
Adjustable wrench Ball hex key set (inch) Ball hex key set (mm) Crimp Crimping tools Cutting pliers 5 inch Cutting pliers 6 inch Diagonal cutting pliers 6 inch Electric check screwdriver Electric screwdriver 0X75 Electric screwdriver 1X100 Electric screwdriver 2.5X85 Electric screwdriver 2X100 Electric screwdriver 4X100 Electric screwdriver 5.5X125 Electric screwdriver 6.5X150 Ferrules Crimping tools 01 Ferrules Crimping tools 02 Multimeter Screwdriver set Soldering iron
562 images 5 classes 1 model
818 images 818 classes
494 images 5 classes
1.2k images 12 classes
910 images 19 classes
goggles anti_falling_device climbers contact_electroscope_circular contact_electroscope_square ground_wire_one ground_wire_two insulated_operating_rod insulating_boots insulating_gloves insulating_mat medical_box multimeter safety_belt safety_hat_blue safety_hat_red safety_hat_white safety_hat_yellow safety_rope
127 images 7 classes 1 model
4.9k images 47 classes 2 models
638 images 5 classes 1 model
170 images 16 classes
465 images 21 classes 2 models
266 images 60 classes
battery cable phone remote AC-to-DC-power-adapter Apple computer motherboard Arduino microcontroller Blow dry machine CPU CPU-Shredding and Seperation Camera-WEEE Recycling Cellphone Charger Charger-WEEE Recycling Computer power supply unit D-Link Router DVD/TV Remote Desktop Keyboard Desktop Monitor Desktop-Donation and Refurbishment
415 images 53 classes 1 model
battery cable phone remote AC-to-DC-power-adapter Apple computer motherboard Arduino microcontroller Blow dry machine CPU CPU-Shredding and Seperation Desktop Monitor Desktop-Donation and Refurbishment CPU DVD-TV Remote Electronic Printer Radio Speaker Speaker-Speaker Driver Recycling dvd player CPU-Shredding and Seperation Camera-WEEE Recycling Laptop-Donation and Refurbishment Phone-Refurbishment and Recycling Printer-Toner Catridge Recycling CPU-Shredding and Seperation Printer-Toner Catridge Recycling Cellphone Electronic Mobile phone Cellphone Feature phone Nokia 1200 Nokia 5130 Phone-Refurbishment and Recycling Samsung Duos Charger D-Link Router Charger-WEEE Recycling Gaming device-Shredding and Seperation Pendrive-Secure data erasure and WEEE Recycling Phone-Refurbishment and Recycling Remote-Disassembly and Material Recovery Charger-WEEE Recycling Keyboard-Shredding and Seperation Motherboard-Recycling and Material Reclamation Phone-Refurbishment and Recycling Charger-WEEE Recycling Router-Disassembly and Material Recovery Computer power supply unit DVD-TV Remote Electronic Hair dryer Power Adapter
1.4k images 74 classes 1 model
305 images 24 classes 2 models
3.6k images 6 classes 1 model
228 images 4 classes 1 model
639 images 20 classes 1 model
69 images 4 classes 1 model
1k images 5 classes 2 models
127 images 24 classes
139 images 7 classes 4 models
120 images 10 classes 1 model