Related Objects of Interest: cigarette , other plastic , unlabeled litter , plastic bottle cap , glass bottle , plastic lid , plastic straw , pop tab , drink can , other plastic bottle
Top Litter Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for litter detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the litter datasets below.
1.6k images 70 classes 1 model
4.5k images 7 classes 1 model
178 images 23 classes
boat person Broken glass Cigarette Clear plastic bottle Crisp packet Disposable food container Disposable plastic cup Drink can Garbage bag Glass bottle Glass jar Normal paper Other plastic Other plastic bottle Other plastic container Plastic bottle cap Plastic straw Polypropylene bag Rope & strings
2.5k images 6 classes
1.5k images 59 classes 1 model
1.3k images 20 classes 2 models
3.3k images 68 classes
159 images 46 classes
1.5k images 59 classes
422 images 7 classes 1 model
239 images 12 classes 1 model
281 images 10 classes
1.3k images 4 classes
3.7k images 85 classes 1 model
00#Aluminium-foil#Papier-d'aluminium 01#Battery#Batterie 02#Blister-pack#Plaquette-thermoformée-en-aluminium 03#Blister-pack#Plaquette-thermoformée-à-carte 04#Bottle#Autre-bouteille-en-plastique 05#Bottle#Bouteille-en-plastique-transparente 06#Bottle#Bouteille-en-verre 07#Bottle-cap#Bouchon-de-bouteille-en-plastique 08#Bottle-cap#Bouchon-de-bouteille-en-métal 09#Broken-glass#Verre-brisé 10#Can#Boîte-de-conserve 11#Can#Aérosol 12#Can#Canette-de-boisson 13#Carton#Tube-de-papier-toilette 14#Carton#Autre-carton 15#Carton#Boîte-à-œufs 16#Carton#Brique-de-boisson 17#Carton#Carton-ondulé 18#Carton#Boîte-alimentaire-en-carton 19#Carton#Boîte-à-pizza
4.6k images 64 classes
1k images 10 classes 2 models
6.2k images 64 classes
1.5k images 61 classes
126 images 59 classes
177 images 4 classes 2 models
1.5k images 59 classes 1 model
1.6k images 59 classes 1 model
414 images 28 classes 1 model
15m 2m 5m 7m Broken footpath Construction debris Dark zone Encroachment Encroachment by parking Encroachment by planters Encroachment by vendor or shop spillover Footpath Quality Garbage vulnerable point Junction boxes Level difference Line Litter on street (Commercial) Litter on street -Commercial- Low hanging wires No footpath