detect_icon_colab83_threesignal Computer Vision Project


Updated a year ago




Classes (83)
0 alarm1_ico
1 alarmx_ico
10 img_btnGENActivationOff
11 img_btnGENTCOon
12 img_btnGTEConsignationOn
13 img_btnGTEEmergencyStopOn
14 img_btnGTEGeneralViewOn
15 img_btnRegulationModeUpdateValue
16 img_btnTRAFGeneralViewOn
17 img_btnTRAFTimeTableOn
18 img_Caution
19 img_CycleLeftActive
2 Bouton SN_SP_Activ gris
20 img_CycleLeftBad
21 img_CycleRightActive
22 img_CycleRightBad
23 img_DepartureProhibitionAuto
24 img_DepartureProhibitionAutoManually
25 img_DepartureProhibitionManually
26 img_DepartureProhibitionUnknown
27 img_DeskAuthorized
28 img_DeskBad
29 img_DeskNotAuthorized
3 BP_Event
30 img_LeftDepartureForcingOn
31 img_LeftDepartureForcingUnknown
32 img_LeftPlatformOutOfService
33 img_LeftPlatformUnknown
34 img_Lock_Bad
35 img_Lock_On
36 img_LRActive
37 img_LRBad
38 img_Marking
39 img_PointControlCmd_Bad
4 BP_Logon
40 img_PointControlCmd_On
41 img_PrecautionModeBad
42 img_PrecautionModeOn
43 img_RightDepartureForcingOn
44 img_RightDepartureForcingUnknown
45 img_RightPlatformOutOfService
46 img_RightPlatformUnknown
47 img_Signal_Bleu
48 img_Signal_Gray
49 img_Signal_Green
5 BP_Sound_On
50 img_Signal_Orange
51 img_Signal_Orange2
52 img_Signal_Purple
53 img_Signal_Red
54 img_Signal_unknown
55 img_StationBad
56 img_StationNoService
57 img_SwitchAuthorized
58 img_SwitchBad
59 img_SwitchNotAuthorized
6 BP_Supervision
60 img_TRF_btnAnualCalendarOn
61 img_TRF_btnAUMBad
62 img_TRF_btnAUMOff
63 img_TRF_btnAUMOn
64 img_TRF_btnAUMPartialOn
65 img_TRF_btnEBRBad
66 img_TRF_btnEBROff
67 img_TRF_btnEBROn
68 img_TRF_btnGestionTraficOn
69 img_TRF_btnLTVBad
7 clefs_ico
70 img_TRF_btnLTVOff
71 img_TRF_btnLTVOn
72 img_TRF_btnMarquageOn
73 img_TRF_btnRegulationOn
74 img_TRF_btnStopTrafficOn
75 img_TRF_btnTrainPrepareOn
76 left_signal
77 off
78 param_ico
79 right_signal
80 server running
81 sun_ico
82 three_signal
9 help_icone

A description for this project has not been published yet.


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CC BY 4.0

If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:

                            title = { detect_icon_colab83_threesignal Dataset },
                            type = { Open Source Dataset },
                            author = { sc },
                            howpublished = { \url{ } },
                            url = { },
                            journal = { Roboflow Universe },
                            publisher = { Roboflow },
                            year = { 2023 },
                            month = { aug },
                            note = { visited on 2024-09-26 },