Dataset Versions


Garbage Dataset1

Generated on Mar 8, 2022

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Pascal VOC XML
Common XML annotation format for local data munging (pioneered by ImageNet).
PaliGemma JSONL format used for fine-tuning PaliGemma, Google's open multimodal vision model.
CreateML JSON format is used with Apple's CreateML and Turi Create tools.
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Dataset Split

Train Set 93%
Valid Set 4%
Test Set 3%


Auto-Orient: Applied
Isolate Objects: Applied
Static Crop: 21-69% Horizontal Region, 30-75% Vertical Region
Resize: Stretch to 416x416
Grayscale: Applied
Auto-Adjust Contrast: Using Adaptive Equalization
Tile: 2 rows x 2 columns


Outputs per training example: 3
Flip: Horizontal
90° Rotate: Clockwise, Counter-Clockwise
Crop: 0% Minimum Zoom, 62% Maximum Zoom
Rotation: Between -40° and +40°
Shear: ±23° Horizontal, ±25° Vertical
Brightness: Between -72% and +72%
Blur: Up to 14.25px
Noise: Up to 19% of pixels
Mosaic: Applied
Bounding Box: Flip: Horizontal
Bounding Box: 90° Rotate: Clockwise, Counter-Clockwise
Bounding Box: Rotation: Between -40° and +40°
Bounding Box: Shear: ±23° Horizontal, ±24° Vertical
Bounding Box: Brightness: Between -63% and +63%
Bounding Box: Blur: Up to 14.25px
Bounding Box: Noise: Up to 19% of pixels