Hard Hat Workers Computer Vision Project

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The Hard Hat dataset is an object detection dataset of workers in workplace settings that require a hard hat. Annotations also include examples of just "person" and "head," for when an individual may be present without a hard hart.

The original dataset has a 75/25 train-test split.

Example Image: Example Image

Use Cases

One could use this dataset to, for example, build a classifier of workers that are abiding safety code within a workplace versus those that may not be. It is also a good general dataset for practice.

Using this Dataset

Use the fork or Download this Dataset button to copy this dataset to your own Roboflow account and export it with new preprocessing settings (perhaps resized for your model's desired format or converted to grayscale), or additional augmentations to make your model generalize better. This particular dataset would be very well suited for Roboflow's new advanced Bounding Box Only Augmentations.

Dataset Versions:

Image Preprocessing | Image Augmentation | Modify Classes

  • v1 (resize-416x416-reflect): generated with the original 75/25 train-test split | No augmentations
  • v2 (raw_75-25_trainTestSplit): generated with the original 75/25 train-test split | These are the raw, original images
  • v3 (v3): generated with the original 75/25 train-test split | Modify Classes used to drop person class | Preprocessing and Augmentation applied
  • v5 (raw_HeadHelmetClasses): generated with a 70/20/10 train/valid/test split | Modify Classes used to drop person class
  • v8 (raw_HelmetClassOnly): generated with a 70/20/10 train/valid/test split | Modify Classes used to drop head and person classes
  • v9 (raw_PersonClassOnly): generated with a 70/20/10 train/valid/test split | Modify Classes used to drop head and helmet classes
  • v10 (raw_AllClasses): generated with a 70/20/10 train/valid/test split | These are the raw, original images
  • v11 (augmented3x-AllClasses-FastModel): generated with a 70/20/10 train/valid/test split | Preprocessing and Augmentation applied | 3x image generation | Trained with Roboflow's Fast Model
  • v12 (augmented3x-HeadHelmetClasses-FastModel): generated with a 70/20/10 train/valid/test split | Preprocessing and Augmentation applied, Modify Classes used to drop person class | 3x image generation | Trained with Roboflow's Fast Model
  • v13 (augmented3x-HeadHelmetClasses-AccurateModel): generated with a 70/20/10 train/valid/test split | Preprocessing and Augmentation applied, Modify Classes used to drop person class | 3x image generation | Trained with Roboflow's Accurate Model
  • v14 (raw_HeadClassOnly): generated with a 70/20/10 train/valid/test split | Modify Classes used to drop person class, and remap/relabel helmet class to head

Choosing Between Computer Vision Model Sizes | Roboflow Train

About Roboflow

Roboflow makes managing, preprocessing, augmenting, and versioning datasets for computer vision seamless.

Developers reduce 50% of their code when using Roboflow's workflow, automate annotation quality assurance, save training time, and increase model reproducibility.

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Cite This Project

Public Domain

If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:

                            title = { Hard Hat Workers Dataset },
                            type = { Open Source Dataset },
                            author = { Northeastern University - China },
                            howpublished = { \url{ https://universe.roboflow.com/joseph-nelson/hard-hat-workers } },
                            url = { https://universe.roboflow.com/joseph-nelson/hard-hat-workers },
                            journal = { Roboflow Universe },
                            publisher = { Roboflow },
                            year = { 2022 },
                            month = { sep },
                            note = { visited on 2025-01-05 },