GPR-Training-3 Computer Vision Project

Ege Yüceel

Updated 2 years ago






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Here are a few use cases for this project:

  1. Scrap Sorting: The model could be used in waste management facilities for the sorting of metal and non-metal scrap materials. This could streamline recycling processes by identifying and separating materials into appropriate categories.

  2. Quality Control in Manufacturing: Manufacturers of goods that specifically require metallic or non-metallic materials might use the model for quality control, to ensure that only the right type of material is used in production.

  3. Archaeological Analysis: Archaeologists could use this model to assist in the analysis and identification of artifacts, distinguishing between metal and non-metal items.

  4. Mining Industry: Industrial mining firms might find use in identifying and categorizing excavated materials based on their metallic properties, helping to maximize the efficiency and potential yield of dig sites.

  5. Retail: Businesses that sell metal and non-metal materials or products could use the model to automate the inventory management process, significantly reducing the manpower needed for warehouse management.

Use This Trained Model

Try it in your browser, or deploy via our Hosted Inference API and other deployment methods.


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Cite This Project

CC BY 4.0

If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:

                            title = { GPR-Training-3 Dataset },
                            type = { Open Source Dataset },
                            author = { Ege Yüceel },
                            howpublished = { \url{ } },
                            url = { },
                            journal = { Roboflow Universe },
                            publisher = { Roboflow },
                            year = { 2022 },
                            month = { dec },
                            note = { visited on 2024-09-24 },

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