ecoplate Dataset


2024-08-18 3:00am

Generated on Aug 18, 2024

Dataset Split

Train Set 87%
Valid Set 8%
Test Set 5%


Auto-Orient: Applied
Static Crop: 25-75% Horizontal Region, 25-75% Vertical Region
Resize: Stretch to 640x640
Auto-Adjust Contrast: Using Adaptive Equalization
Grayscale: Applied
Tile: 2 rows x 2 columns
Filter Null: Require all images to contain annotations.


Outputs per training example: 3
Flip: Horizontal, Vertical
90° Rotate: Clockwise, Counter-Clockwise, Upside Down
Crop: 0% Minimum Zoom, 20% Maximum Zoom
Rotation: Between -15° and +15°
Shear: ±10° Horizontal, ±10° Vertical
Grayscale: Apply to 15% of images
Hue: Between -15° and +15°
Saturation: Between -25% and +25%
Brightness: Between -15% and +15%
Exposure: Between -10% and +10%
Blur: Up to 2.5px
Noise: Up to 0.1% of pixels

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5.1k images 1 model