Rahul Dey

object detection

Object Detection


object detection Computer Vision Project

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Here are a few use cases for this project:

  1. Workplace Safety Compliance: The model could be used in factories, construction sites, or similar workplace settings to monitor whether safety protocols are being followed like wearing gloves, helmets, safety vest, and face masks.

  2. Fire Alarm Monitoring: Through the detection of fire and smoke classes, this model could be used as a part of an integrated fire surveillance system to raise alarms and notify authorities, thereby ensuring safety and preventing damage.

  3. Animal Deterrence Systems: Identification of birds such as crows or pigeons could be utilized in installing camera-based deterrents or shields to prevent these birds from causing damage in certain areas such as crops or facilities.

  4. Access Control Management: The model can be utilized in managing access to certain areas by identifying if a gate is open or closed or if a recognized truck or cab is present.

  5. Office Inventory Management: With the ability to recognize objects like laptops, cameras, and chairs, the model could be of substantial help in real-time tracking and managing office inventory, thereby aiding the optimization of resource allocation.

Trained Model API

This project has a trained model available that you can try in your browser and use to get predictions via our Hosted Inference API and other deployment methods.

Cite This Project

If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:

                            title = { object detection Dataset },
                            type = { Open Source Dataset },
                            author = { Rahul Dey },
                            howpublished = { \url{ https://universe.roboflow.com/rahul-dey-v6eqp/object-detection-yqqw5 } },
                            url = { https://universe.roboflow.com/rahul-dey-v6eqp/object-detection-yqqw5 },
                            journal = { Roboflow Universe },
                            publisher = { Roboflow },
                            year = { 2023 },
                            month = { dec },
                            note = { visited on 2024-06-01 },

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Rahul Dey

Last Updated

6 months ago

Project Type

Object Detection



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Fire Gate_closed Gate_open Number_plate Safety-Boot helmet person smoke vest
4122 images
9899 images
9893 images
4254 images