DUET Computer Vision Project
Thabisile Mthembu
Updated 2 years ago
Classes (108)
"test point" unknown
connector unknown
pads I2C
pads UART
pins M1
pins M2
pins M3
pins M4
pins M5
pins unknown
text "3-3v"
text "Big FET In"
text "CS-P0-16"
text "DIR1-P0-5"
text "DIR2-P0-11"
text "DIR3-P0-20"
text "DIR4-P0-22"
text "DIR5-P2-13"
text "EN1-P0-4"
text "EN2-P0-10"
text "EN3-P0-19"
text "EN4-P0-21"
text "EN5-P4-29"
text "LED+"
text "LED1-P1-18"
text "LED2-P1-19"
text "LED3-P1-20"
text "LED4-P1-21"
text "Large FETs"
text "MISO-P0-17"
text "MOSI-P0-18"
text "Mixed FETs (VBB Input)"
text "P1-22"
text "P1-23"
text "P1-24"
text "P1-25"
text "P1-26"
text "P1-27"
text "P1-28"
text "P1-29"
text "P1-30"
text "P1-31"
text "P2-11"
text "P2-4"
text "P2-5"
text "P2-6"
text "P2-7"
text "P3-25"
text "P3-26"
text "PLAY-P2-12"
text "PLAY_LED-P4-28"
text "RX-P0-3"
text "SCK-P0-15"
text "SCL-P0-1"
text "SCL-P0-28"
text "SDA-P0-0"
text "SDA-P0-27"
text "SD_CS-P0-6"
text "SD_MISO-P0-8"
text "SD_MOSI-P0-9"
text "SD_SCK-P0-7"
text "STP1-P2-0"
text "STP2-P2-1"
text "STP3-P2-2"
text "STP4-P2-3"
text "STP5-P2-8"
text "Small FET In"
text "Small FETs"
text "Smoothieboard(tm) v1-1"
text "TH1-P0-23"
text "TH2-P0-24"
text "TH3-P0-25"
text "TH4-P0-26"
text "TX-P0-2"
text "VBB Jumper (3A MAX)"
text "VBB Jumper (6A MAX)"
text "VUART+"
text "designed by Arthur Wold, Triffid_Hunter, Eneiou Logxen, and others with the support of the RepRap community"
text "http:--smoothieware-org-"
text "irc:--chat-freenode-net--smoothieware"
text +
text -
text 0349
text 3v3
text 5V
text 5v
text FR000001
text GND
text I2C
text IN
text ISP
text M1
text M2
text M3
text M4
text M5
text OSHW
text POT6
text POT7
text POT8
text RST
text SJ1
text SJ2
text UART
text VBB
A description for this project has not been published yet.
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Cite This Project
CC BY 4.0 If you use this dataset in a research paper, please cite it using the following BibTeX:
title = { DUET Dataset },
type = { Open Source Dataset },
author = { Thabisile Mthembu },
howpublished = { \url{ https://universe.roboflow.com/thabisile-mthembu/duet } },
url = { https://universe.roboflow.com/thabisile-mthembu/duet },
journal = { Roboflow Universe },
publisher = { Roboflow },
year = { 2022 },
month = { oct },
note = { visited on 2025-01-01 },