Related Objects of Interest: chain , cluster , dimer , isolated , left , right , crystal , pin , airport , cross road
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Top Loop Computer Vision Models
The models below have been fine-tuned for various loop detection tasks. You can try out each model in your browser, or test an edge deployment solution (i.e. to an NVIDIA Jetson). You can use the datasets associated with the models below as a starting point for building your own loop detection model.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to count loops in images and videos.

3124 images1 model
Aegiceras Corniculatum FlowerAegiceras Corniculatum LeavesAegiceras Corniculatum StemAvecennia Marina FruitAvecennia Marina LeavesAvecennia Marina StemLoop-Root LeavesLumnitzera Racemosa FlowerLumnitzera Racemosa LeavesLumnitzera Racemosa StemNypa FruitNypa LeavesNypa StemRhizophora Apiculata FlowerRhizophora Apiculata LeavesRhizophora Apiculata RootRhizophora Mucronata FlowerRhizophora Mucronata FruitRhizophora Mucronata LeavesRhizophora Mucronata Root

1428 images3 models
carddamagejeansback left pocketback left pocket badge 1back left pocket bottombuttonback left pocket buttonback left pocket topbuttonback pocket emb 1back pocket styleback right pocketback right pocket badge 1back right pocket badge 2back right pocket badge cardback right pocket buttonbackbelt loop 1backbelt loop 2backbelt loop 3backbelt loop 4backbeltwidth

46 images1 model
DebrisDouble SectionDouble Section Under Loop BeamDouble Square Section Under Loop BeamDouble Square SectionsLoopSection FragmentSection Under LoopSectionsSingle Section with DebrisSingle Square SectionSingle Square Section Under LoopSingle Square Section Under Loop BeamSingle Square Section in LoopSingle Square Section with DebrisSingleSquare Section Under LoopSquare Section Under LoopSquareSection Under Loop
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