Related Objects of Interest: stop , barrier ahead , cycle crossing , give way , horn prohibited , left hair pin bend , no parking , right hair pin bend , right hand curve , parking lot cars
Top Hair Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for hair detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the hair datasets below.

300 images
Barrier AheadCattleCycle CrossingParking Lot CarsParking Lot CycleParking Lot Scooter and MotorCyclePedestrian CrossingPedestrian ProhibitedPetrol Pump/ Gas StationPublic TelephoneResting PlaceRight Hair Pin BendRight Hand CurveRight Reverse BendRoad Wideness AheadRound AboutSchool AheadSlippery RoadSpeed Limit (10)Speed Limit (100)

122 images
All motor vehicles prohibitedAnimalsAxle load limitBarrierBlind persons likely on road aheadBuilt-up areaBullock cart and hand cart prohibitedBullock cart prohibitedBumpChevronChildrenCompulsory aheadCompulsory ahead or turn leftCompulsory ahead or turn rightCompulsory cycle trackCompulsory keep leftCompulsory minimum speedCompulsory sound hornCompulsory turn leftCompulsory turn left ahead

395 images

1428 images1 model

969 images

1575 images
Barrier AheadCycle CrossingGive WayHorn ProhibitedHospitalLeft Hair Pin BendLeft hand curveMen at WorkNo ParkingNo StoppingParking Lot CarsParking Lot CyclePedestrian CrossingPedestrian ProhibitedPetrol Pump/ Gas StationRight Hair Pin BendRight Hand CurveRight Reverse BendRoad Wideness AheadSchool Ahead

1302 images1 model

1405 images

8366 images1 model
Acne-and-RosaceaAtopic DermatitisBullous-DiseaseCellulitis-ImpetigoExanthems-and-Drug-EruptionsHair-Loss-Alopecia-and-other-Hair-DiseasesHerpes-HPV-and-other-STDsLight-Diseases-and-Disorders-of-PigmentationLupus-and-other-Connective-Tissue-diseasesMelanoma-Skin-Cancer-Nevi-and-MolesMonkeypoxOthersPoison-Ivy-and-other-Contact-DermatitisPsoriasis-Lichen-Planus-and-related-diseasesScabies-Lyme-Disease-and-other-Infestations-and-BitesSeborrheic-Keratoses-and-other-Benign-TumorsTinea Ringworm Candidiasis and other Fungal InfectionsUrticaria-HivesVascular-TumorsVasculitis