9.9k images 70 classes
bike bus car motor person rider traffic sign train truck car_ahead cross walk information--pedestrians-crossing--g1 not_relevant green not_relevant red not_relevant yellow regulatory--give-way-to-oncoming-traffic--g1 regulatory--go-straight--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1 regulatory--keep-left--g1
9.9k images 70 classes 1 model
bike bus car motor person rider traffic sign train truck car_ahead cross walk information--pedestrians-crossing--g1 not_relevant green not_relevant red not_relevant yellow regulatory--give-way-to-oncoming-traffic--g1 regulatory--go-straight--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1 regulatory--keep-left--g1
9.9k images 71 classes
bike bus car motor person rider traffic light traffic sign train truck car_ahead cross walk information--pedestrians-crossing--g1 not_relevant green not_relevant red not_relevant yellow regulatory--give-way-to-oncoming-traffic--g1 regulatory--go-straight--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1
9.9k images 71 classes
bike bus car motor person rider traffic light traffic sign train truck car_ahead cross walk information--pedestrians-crossing--g1 not_relevant green not_relevant red not_relevant yellow regulatory--give-way-to-oncoming-traffic--g1 regulatory--go-straight--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1
2k images 1882 classes
bicycle building debris dustbin motorcycle scooter skateboard stop sign traffic light trailer tree umbrella 100kph speed limit 100kph speed limit sign 40kph speed limit for trucks and buses sign 40kph speed limit sign 50kph speed limit sign 50mph speed limit sign 60kph speed limit sign 70kph speed limit for all other vehicles sign
2k images 1882 classes
bicycle building debris dustbin motorcycle scooter skateboard stop sign traffic light trailer tree umbrella 100kph speed limit 100kph speed limit sign 40kph speed limit for trucks and buses sign 40kph speed limit sign 50kph speed limit sign 50mph speed limit sign 60kph speed limit sign 70kph speed limit for all other vehicles sign
87 images 10 classes 1 model
64 images 67 classes 1 model
road Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band
10k images 70 classes
bike bus car motor person rider traffic sign train truck cross walk information--pedestrians-crossing--g1 not_relevant green not_relevant red not_relevant yellow regulatory--give-way-to-oncoming-traffic--g1 regulatory--go-straight--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1 regulatory--keep-left--g1 regulatory--keep-right--g1
64 images 64 classes
Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band Left-Hand-Curve
938 images 131 classes 1 model
3.4k images 61 classes 4 models
Bend-To-The-Left Camera-operation-zone Chevron-to-the-left Chevron-to-the-right Clearway-No-Stopping Crossroad Crosswinds Curve-Ahead Detour-to-the-left-sign Detour-to-the-right-sign Diverge Divided-road-begins Divided-road-ends Dosmetic-Animal-Crossing Exit-To-The-Left Exit-to-the-right Give-way-Priorty Go-straight-or-turn-left Heavy-vehicles-prohibited-in-the-right-lane Height-Limit
3.4k images 61 classes
Bend-To-The-Left Camera-operation-zone Chevron-to-the-left Chevron-to-the-right Clearway-No-Stopping Crossroad Crosswinds Curve-Ahead Detour-to-the-left-sign Detour-to-the-right-sign Diverge Divided-road-begins Divided-road-ends Dosmetic-Animal-Crossing Exit-To-The-Left Exit-to-the-right Give-way-Priorty Go-straight-or-turn-left Heavy-vehicles-prohibited-in-the-right-lane Height-Limit
4.4k images 75 classes 1 model
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn compulsary turn left ahead compulsary turn right ahead
403 images 72 classes 1 model
bus car parking pedestrian truck warning 10-speed-restriction 100-speed-restriction 120-speed-restriction 20-speed-restriction 30-speed-restriction 40-speed-restriction 50-speed-restriction 60-speed-restriction 70-speed-restriction 80-speed-restriction 90-speed-restriction All-traffic-must-turn-left All-traffic-must-turn-right Bike-lane
2.3k images 76 classes
bus car parking pedestrian truck warning 10-speed-restriction 100-speed-restriction 120-speed-restriction 20-speed-restriction 30-speed-restriction 40-speed-restriction 50-speed-restriction 60-speed-restriction 70-speed-restriction 80-speed-restriction 90-speed-restriction All-traffic-must-turn-left All-traffic-must-turn-right Approach-to-intersection
64 images 64 classes
Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band Left-Hand-Curve
9.2k images 30 classes
Crossroads Emergency Stopping Emergency Stopping 250m Give Way Height Limit 5 Height Limit 5.7m Hospital Ahead Junction Ahead Mosque Ahead No Overtaking No Pedestrians No Vehicle Entry Pedestrians Crossing Petrol Pump Ahead School Ahead Sharp Left Turn Sharp Right Turn Side Road On Left Side Road On Right Speed Breaker
2.7k images 24 classes 1 model
673 images 136 classes 8 models
1.5k images 24 classes
430 images 7 classes
1.6k images 64 classes
Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band Left-Hand-Curve
914 images 42 classes
no parking parking roundabout stop trafficlight bus stop crosswalk ahead crosswalk information end cyclelane end of parking end overtaking prohibition entry prohibited give way intersection side road left intersection side road right keep right mandatory left mandatory right no left turn no right turn
100 images 10 classes
740 images 48 classes
Beware of Ice or snow Crooked road ahead Cycle movement Deer movement End of 80 km speed limit obligations End of obligations End of overtaking by lorries End of overtaking by lorries obligations End of overtaking obligations Go Left Lane Left turn Maximum speed 100 km Maximum speed 120 km Maximum speed 20 km Maximum speed 30 km Maximum speed 50 km Maximum speed 60 km Maximum speed 70 km Maximum speed 80 km NO IDEA
531 images 68 classes 2 models
924 images 64 classes
Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band Left-Hand-Curve
2.2k images 49 classes 2 models